I find Slitaz a great distro, but it is a still rough in the edges, such as translations. There is no automatic translation when you install the mentioned softwares (and Xarchiver, Midori and others). I don't know if the problem is in the packing or the locale system, so I am asking.
I just found out that the folder /usr/share/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES is empty except for aspell.mo. So I copied (from my Lubuntu) gnumeric-functions.mo, gnumeric.mo and goffice-0.8.1.mo, and it worked (!).
I would like to know how to install these softwares e it loads automaticly the translations. Is there a way I can colaborate, maybe in the packing, maybe in the locale system?
SliTaz supports automatic translation. We lack clear documentation on adding locale support but overall the whole process is easy and mostly automatic. This year, we want to provide gettext support for all slitaz tools and utilities. So, you are welcome to help and collaborate. Easy if you get on the mailing list.
Ernia, I believe the usual installation process should already place the correct .mo files in /usr/share/locale//LC_MESSAGES, I don't know what is happening.
Jozee, If you need a translator for Slitaz tools, I can do it. I believe there are other Brazilian (maybe Portuguese) guys, like Claudinei and Paulo (gravitacoes), and we should do it quickly. I translated Bluemindo (http://bluemindo.codingteam.net/) and I'm working on GMM (http://code.google.com/p/gogglesmm; huge .po file, ehehe). By the way, Bluemindo is hosted at codeteam.net, very nice open source directory, and they have an online internationalization system (http://codingteam.net/project/bluemindo/i18n, for instance), it would be very cool if Slitaz could "borrow" it.
So let get things done: I've subscribed the mailing list, so what is the best way to post doubts/suggestions, here in the forum or in the list? The first one is: why isn't there a locale-pt_BR anymore? pt_BR and pt (or pt_PT) are perfectly compatible, but they are quite different, and Brazilian users are used in the pt_BR interface ("File", for instance, is "Arquivo" in pt_BR and "Ficheiro" in pt).
What are you developers fixing to do: can we review these receipts or maybe can we create another receipts, something like a "[package-version]-i18n.tazpkg"? I believe translations files won't became the softwares slower, but, indeed, the .tazpkg would be slightly bigger. Anyway, my personal opinion is for the first option.