Christopher - I wish it was that simple, the cdrom is in media also usb and floppy folder, but neither of those were registered with anything, just the cdrom.
mojo - I installed the ntfs-3g, and ran through it also. When I open pcmanfm the folder is there but empty. I will keep working at this until I know what I'm doing. I also ran the mount ntfs-3g with no avail. I just got lazy and didnt want to type that out also.
Maybe this is a problem within SliTaz itself? cause you say your internal hpfs/ntfs doesn't show. and in the /dev folders nothing shows but the clone mount for the cdrom folders..
"I knew I should learned this UNIX when I had the chance in 89 then should hit up on LINUX in the 90's, now I'm way behind the curve"
Mojo - So your NTFS drives do show up in PCman, to where you just click on them and mount with your Livecd and Full version? Making sure I'm reading that right.
Cause when I boot into the Livecd version, I do not see anything for those drives on the left. and when I go into the GUI version of mount to mount and see their status nothing shows up. even in the device window on bottom.
----------off subject----------
Is there a version of LINUX I can put onto this system that would be similar to XP or VISTA. to allow game play for games like C&C4, civilizations and whatever else my brother wants on his system? fighting with microsoft on a bad product key...
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