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Changing screen resolution?
  • DKruytDKruyt November 2010
    Hello. I was wondering how to change the resoluton SliTaz puts out, I am currently running a 800x600 desktop on a 1024x768 monitor, so I'm missing the majority of the screen, plus I need to do graphics design in GIMP with a resolution around 640x480 and I'm getting tired of having to move around so much. I have looked through the Preferences and Utility menus but I haven't found anything. Thanks in advance for any help, D.Kruyt.
  • kultexkultex November 2010
    you have to edit the xorg.conf - try to find a correct one for your grafic card in the net

    if you still have problems we need the name of your grafic card best output of lspci
  • GawronGawron November 2010
    Hi DKruyt
    Install xorg driver for your video card. Look at this site how to do it
    To change quickly your current resolution install xorg-xrandr. Check with xrandr your screen name and available modes. Here is an example from my computer
    $ xrandr 
    Screen 0: minimum 320 x 240, current 800 x 600, maximum 1024 x 768
    default connected 800x600+0+0 0mm x 0mm
    1024x768 60.0
    800x600 60.0* 56.0
    640x480 60.0
    320x240 60.0

    And then change to your desired mode.
    $ xrandr --output default --mode 1024x768

    more info

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