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New Cooking 20101104
  • panksopankso November 2010
    SliTaz team have done a new Cooking ISO image to let you test and play with all the last packages and code from the developpers. Read the website announce for more informations:

    ISO image:
  • moulefritemoulefrite November 2010
    Hourra ! :D
    I check this right away
  • erniaernia November 2010
  • moulefritemoulefrite November 2010
    I see that /etc/X11 content is different than before. A true effort may be done
    towards all the external monitor matters for netbooks (documentation + lxrandr)

    I also suggest you all to give explications on how create some graphical themes under the form of tazpkg (openbox,gtk,lxpanel) and also for icons.

    Other suggestion : Puppy linux has a kind of Live session's personnal folder.gz
    It could be nice to have all the Slitaz Desktop theme in it. I see that there is already something similar with the "3 in 1" flavor ..
    For exemple, if i want to use Pidgin on Slitaz Live, I have no other choice than
    mount at boot my partition and copy my .purple folder in /home (or /root) :(
    It can be done with a script, but what's the point if I have a new msn contact ?

    If I could have a kind of light compressed folder with some stuff of my own , just copy in /home at boot in RAM , without any partition mount it would be nice !

    Is there any easy way to do it ?

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