In my effort to set up a lightweight groupware server with Slitaz (see [1]), I am looking for a physically small and simple "nettop" to install it in.
I found the VIA ARTiGO A1100, which fits the bill nicely. However, does anyone know if Linux, especially Slitaz, will be compatible with its hardware??
Mainboard: EPIA-P820 Processor: 1.2 GHz VIA Nano (amd64 compatible) Memory: 2 GB 200-pin DDR2 800 mHz Graphics: VIA Chrome9 3D/2D AGP Integrated Graphics LAN: VIA VT6122 10/100/1000 Audio: VIA VT1708S 8 channel HD audio Wireless: VIA VNT6656
All I can tell you is maybe. Give the liveCD a spin and see what happens. In some instances Wireless works well and with other systems it just doesn't detect at all and requires some hacking to work. If you search the forum for wireless, then your bound to find help about it.
I have seen people recommend using wicd for wirelesss configurations on this forum though. It seems better than using SliTaz's default options.
I have experience with the VT6655 wireless module. I had no problem using this module with the ndiswrapper
I have a system with a VIA Eden C7-M processor and i am having trouble installin g CUPS. On my computer with an standard AMD processor CUPS was working without problems.