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SAMBA server in SliTaz 3.0
  • jorsmaljorsmal September 2010
    samba does not work out of the box with the default smb.conf file. i would like to share a partition that is mounted in /mnt/media and would like to share a printer. could someone help me with the needed conf 4 the smb.conf file? i'm a newbie. please help. thanks.
  • ChristopheChristophe September 2010
    I hate when i do not have answers so here we go...
    On slitaz I failed to share a printer with samba but i could share a folder (i already did both with ubuntu).
    I used swat to make it work (from the repository)
    and if you get your printer to be shared let us know ;)

    You can also go here
    i have seen that there is a samba tutorial and it looked pretty easy, though i have not tried it with Slitaz.

    I do not have access to my slitaz machine right now so i cannot make anymore test... Sorry. But i have this need that you explain so I will come back on this thread later this month.
  • Trixar_zaTrixar_za September 2010
    Going on - yes, it's probably likely to make it work properly like that. SliTaz has both swat and cups needed by this tutorial hey. Some steps might be different though.

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