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tazusb - does not work as documentation states
  • lmartlmart August 2010


    The command 'writefs' will take the current memory resident filesystem and create a "rootfs.gz" file. If your flash drive is mounted as /home (as it should be), the new filesystem will be copied to the drive for you, otherwise it is left on the root of the drive"

    script of my tazusb writefs gzip command
    The command writefs will write an
    Keeping current sound card selection...[ OK ]
    Do you wish to remove the screen resolution (No/yes/exit) ? n
    Keeping current screen resolution...[ OK ]
    Creating rootfs.gz with gzip compression... Moving rootfs.gz to media. Remember to unmount for delayed writes!
    mv: cannot preserve ownership of '/home/boot/./rootfs.gz': Operation not permitted
    Root filesystem size: 36.6M

    "the new filesystem will be copied to the drive for you, otherwise it is left on the root of the drive"; it is not left on the root of the drive
  • kultexkultex August 2010
    yes it does - I do it all the time - its in / - not in /root
  • lmartlmart August 2010
    kultex; when exiting SliTaz (frugal), select the option to save that executes 'tazusb writefs gzip', the error message is above, rootfs.gz is not in / nor in /root
  • tikbalangtikbalang August 2010
    file ownership does not work on fat32 but writefs still work. if you see older versions of rootfs.gz then it works. also, check the boot parameters if "home" is set differently and follow that path.
  • lmartlmart August 2010

    good to hear from you; using slitaz-3.0-xvesa frugal install per your recommendations

    tested tazusb writefs gzip 5 times today
    on my last test, rootfs.gz appeared in /; all 5 attempts gave the same error message "Creating rootfs.gz with gzip compression... Moving rootfs.gz to media. Remember to unmount for delayed writes!
    mv: cannot preserve ownership of '/home/boot/./rootfs.gz': Operation not permitted"

    "our previous filesystem will be renamed to "previous.gz" and can be accessed on bootup by typing "previous" at the "boot:" prompt. All previous filesystems are renamed to rootfs.gz.unixtimestamp. These are not removed automatically, so you should periodically delete these to keep disk usage down."

    unable to locate any (1) previous.gz or (2) rootfs.gz.unixtimestamp on my system

    it is likely something yours truly is doing wrong ...
  • kultexkultex August 2010
    "our previous filesystem will be renamed to "previous.gz" - this works only, if you are booting from USB and have a real /home partition (like specified in syslinux home=uuid) - when you boot from CD it stays always in / and nothing is renamed

    I just can say, I tested tazusb at least on 10 different computers - from a geode LX800 with 128 MB Ram up to a dualcore AMD - xorg and xvesa and it worked all the time.

    so did you check md5sum? how you are logged in? as tux or as root? where do you start it from - mouse on the desktop - then click right - then SliTaz Live - then tazusb writefs(gzip)

    because my text is quite differen, when I start it .....

    Write filesystem
    The command writefs will write all the current filesystem into a suitable cpio
    archive (rootfs.gz) usable on a bootable LiveUSB media.

    Archive compression: gzip

    Do you wish to remove the sound card selection (No/yes/exit) ?
  • lmartlmart August 2010

    hope this helps
    running slitaz-3.0-xvesa, hdd frugal

    2 methods for updating rootfs

    #1 su root, script > cre.rootfs.output, tazpkg upgrade, tazusb writefs gzip, error message sent to you previously from script, may or may not find /rootfs.gz
    #2 on shutdown, SliTaz Desktop logout, Session logout, system shoutdown or reboot, Save filesystem using compression gzip, same error message at end of #1, do not find /rootfs.gz
  • kultexkultex August 2010
    with hdd frugal "previous" does not work - it works only, when you are booting from usb-stick - I have no idea why, but it is like this. Its always in / and you have to copy and paste it.
    I run SliTaz like you with hdd frugal. I have two boot entries. One normal and one with previous.gz - before I copy rootfs.gz from / I rename the old rootfs.gz to previous.gz.

    Because sometimes it happens, that there is an error in compressing and you end up with a kernel panik - like this I always can boot my last version.

    To verify if tazusb is working dont upgrade, just use the version from the CD - it can be, that something went wrong during upgrade
  • lmartlmart August 2010
    here's my takeaway our chats; there should be a script for frugal that does everything 'tazusb writefs gzip' does for usb

    ?who should I send this request to for consideration?
    ?where is the script for 'tazusb writefs gzip'?

    ?if i don't upgrade, how are packages updated?
  • kultexkultex August 2010
    lmart - this is not Ubuntu with 300 emploies - you can create tickets in slitaz labs, but it is not like this, that this tikets are solved within the next day.
    If you search the forum, there was quite a lot discussion about this: eg: here -

    scripts are where they should be in linux: either in /usr/bin or /usr/sbin

    of course you can update and of course you can use cooking. But you should be aware, that things are not working like they should. So I have my stable system - thats working all the time and if I have time, I explore cooking, but I think you should be experienced, doing this......
  • lmartlmart August 2010
    are you part of the SliTaz team?
    never mentioned Ubuntu; would expect SliTaz runs with support resources similar to the resources it takes up in RAM
    thx, will check out the scripts
    my goal is to get a stable system working on my laptop, taking advantage of the full resources on the laptop; would rather not fool around with cooking ...
    again, thx

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