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Launch application at startup.
  • JoshuaJoshua August 2010

    I'm trying to configure SliTaz to work as a thin-client OS and I need it run a rdesktop session at startup. I've installed rdesktop successfully and have enabled persistence so that I can make changes and such to SliTaz on my USB flash drive. I thought I could just go to menu > preferences > Auto start applications and make my entry there like I would type in the command line. But this doesn't seem to work.

    How would I go about doing this? I'm still kind of new to Linux but I think I understand most things. Any help would be appreciated :-)
  • JoshuaJoshua August 2010
    I've tried to edit from the SliTaz Control Box. I added the line to the end of the file:

    rdesktop -f -u Administrator -r comport:COM1=ttyS0

    If I were to run this from a script on the desktop, it would work fine. But I need this to start as soon as the desktop is up and running. I've also added the same line to Start Menu > Preferences > Auto Started Applications and that hasn't gotten me anywhere.

    I've also tried putting the rDesktop script in /etc/init.d and editing rcS.conf start up that script which also hasn't worked. I'm getting kind of frustrated.

    Again, I appreciate any help.
  • kultexkultex August 2010
    then I think you should create a script and run this script with openbox autostart - I am not on slitaz now - I think it is /.config/openbox/autostart ...something like this
  • mojomojo August 2010
    Your first choice is good,which is gui for what kultex suggests.Could be rdesktop is trying to start before the network is established. Add sleep 10 to the beginning of the rdesktop script to delay the execution.

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