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Wine packages.
  • RobertoRoberto August 2010
    To avoid problems with dependences, is there a folder with Wine and all its dependences to a bare livecd Slitaz?

    I have no conexion to Internet, and I have given up about that, so dont say get-install anything...
  • molmol August 2010

    Open a terminal an write

    tazpkg get-install wine

  • RobertoRoberto August 2010
    mol, i think you haven't read me. I don't have Internet!!!!!
  • molmol August 2010

    tazpkg get-install get-wifi-firmware

  • ChristopheChristophe August 2010
    Did you try this

    whatever you try to do, sooner or later you will need an internet access to get the required code/package/DVD, somehow.

  • TotoetsasoeurTotoetsasoeur August 2010
    Dear Roberto,

    Let me give you some hints:

    a) You do not need internet connection to install packages with the command tazpkg .

    b) But you need internet connection to download the requested files for the package you would like (wine or any other one).

    c) If you can post messages to this forum, I guess you have an internet access. Please use it to download all the files (packages) you'd like and save them to an usb stick or to a CD.

    d) Then remove the usb stick from the pc connected to internet and move (I mean walk, run, cycle or whatever...) to the pc which has no internet connection. Plug the usb stick in this pc and use the commande tazpkg to install the requested packages from the usb stick.

    You will find a good document explaining how to use tazpkg here:

    Especially, you can use tazpkg without internet access to install a package located on your usb stick, CD or even on hard drive. For example:

    # tazpkg install path/to/package-1.0.tazpkg --forced

    I hope this helps and do not hesitate asking if you need more details.

    Happy slitaz.

  • RobertoRoberto August 2010
    Stephane, I'm not so newbie. My concern is about the dependences. I can access Internet with Mint in the same computer, and download the packages, but of course I miss the dependences, and it's an absolute mess to get them manually.
    That's the reason I asked for a package with all the dependences needed in a fresh LiceCD.

    I think my only chance with Slitaz is download the DVD with all the packages, as Cristopher says. I'll do it from a free Wifi spot.

    Thanks anyway for your long answer.

  • ChristopheChristophe August 2010
    If you can access the internet trhough mint on the same computer (hence dualbooting to slitaz) then I have a few suggestions :
    - try crunchbang or lubuntu - they eat up little ram and resources, and may just be able to boot with what you need for your network (I LOVE slitaz, but still have a crunchbang running for a number of tasks - slitaz 2.0 runs happily with 256MB while crunchbang will be very unhappy ;) )
    - use qemu or a virtual box to get your installation virtualised, from which you can burn a new cd with all you need, -- at least it will work for anything that is not directly hw related (eg network, obviously)
    - the dvd might work but i read somewhere that the packages are not always up to date - someone correct me please if i am wrong !
  • molmol August 2010
    root@slitaz:~# tazpkg depends wine

    alsa-lib (488.0k)
    linux (v4l-dvb)
    depmod (88.0k)
    glibc-base (3.7M)
    gcc-lib-base (1.1M)
    zlib (208.0k)
    lzlib (28.0k)
    libxml2 (python-mako)
    libxslt (python-mako)
    libgcrypt (888.0k)
    libgpg-error (92.0k)
    libgl (44.0k)
    libglu (476.0k)
    xorg-libICE (224.0k)
    xorg-libSM (112.0k)
    util-linux-ng-uuid (68.0k)
    xorg-libX11 (2.1M)
    xorg-libXau (64.0k)
    xorg-libXdmcp (108.0k)
    xorg-libXext (128.0k)
    libgphoto2 (libgpod)
    libexif (320.0k)
    jpeg (mmx-emu)
    libusb (148.0k)
    libusb-compat (76.0k)
    libtool (1.9M)
    hal (pmail)
    dbus (eina)
    expat (perl-xml-sax-writer)
    slitaz-base-files (252.0k)
    dbus-glib (eggdbus-dev)
    glib (tar)
    udev (udns)
    util-linux-ng-blkid (216.0k)
    lcms (432.0k)
    nvidia (34.6M)
    xorg-server (16.0k)
    xorg (52.0k)
    xorg-libXrender (112.0k)
    xorg-libXrandr (92.0k)
    xorg-libXfixes (80.0k)
    xorg-libfontenc (84.0k)
    xorg-libXfont (744.0k)
    freetype (372.0k)
    xorg-libXcomposite (60.0k)
    xorg-libXt (60.0k)
    xorg-libXinerama (44.0k)
    xorg-libXmu (328.0k)
    xorg-libXpm (156.0k)
    xorg-libXaw (1.9M)
    xorg-libXp (156.0k)
    xorg-libXcursor (104.0k)
    xorg-libXi (44.0k)
    xorg-rgb (60.0k)
    xorg-libxkbfile (264.0k)
    xorg-xf86-input-mouse (84.0k)
    xorg-xf86-input-keyboard (64.0k)
    xorg-xf86-video-vesa (60.0k)
    xorg-xkeyboard-config (2.9M)
    xorg-xkbcomp (212.0k)
    xorg-libpciaccess (84.0k)
    xorg-libXxf86vm (56.0k)
    libcrypto (2.2M)
    mesa (2.1M)
    libdrm (428.0k)
    xorg-libXdamage (60.0k)
    pixman (448.0k)
    gtk+ (slock)
    libxcb (libxdg-basedir)
    xcb-util (xchat)
    cairo (pycrypto)
    pango (564.0k)
    xorg-libXft (180.0k)
    fontconfig (360.0k)
    atk (256.0k)
    libpng (460.0k)
    tiff (tightvnc)
    libgio (836.0k)
    cairo-xcb (976.0k)
    linux-agp (108.0k)
    linux-drm (412.0k)
    esound (120.0k)
    audiofile (328.0k)

    root@slitaz:~# tazpkg xhtml-list

    That generate a list off all installed package. So you can compare and know what is missing

    Good luck Gringo
  • molmol August 2010

    I want to test Wine 1.2, but it's seems that a "gecko" browser (or engine or something like thqt) is required ...
    Whatever it was, when the thing is downloading, nothing happens ..
    Who managed to install Wine 1.2 ?

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