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Installing driver for better screen resolution
  • mek8630mek8630 August 2010
    The resolution wasn't right for my screen when I was using the Live_CD OR after I installed to hdd. I tried editting the xorg.conf file and that only messed up my system and I had to reinstall. I finally found something that works so I am going to share with everyone else because I am sure everyone else is just as frustrated as I was. I am not sure if this will work while running the live cd because I did this after I installed to hdd. After you log in and you see your desktop, open up a terminal. Once you have the terminal open type in "su" and then "password" (without the quotations) to become root. After you have become "root", type in "tazx". That should bring up a window that has three options, you want the first option. It should say something like install or reinstall xorg driver or something. After you pick that option, it should bring up another window with list of graphics cards drivers. Go through the list and find your driver, you will need to know what kind of graphics card or chip that is in your computer. Once you select your driver it should install it and your done. Now if your screen does like mine did then it will go very dark but still barely visible. Exit out of terminal and click the little spider menu down at the bottom left. Go to log out and then click restart x. Once "X" has restarted your new driver should be loaded and your resolution should be better. If it is NOT better then repeat the process and try a different driver. After I restarted "X" and saw that my resolution was fixed I restarted my computer just to make sure it got saved. I hope that I explained this clearly enough but if I didn't, post a reply and I will repost the steps in a list type format. I hope this helped anyone having trouble with it because I know it was driving me crazy.
  • seawolfseawolf August 2010
    Hi @mek8630 --

    Thanks for the write-up; did you see the Guide page on the docs site? Might give you a few more tips:
  • mek8630mek8630 August 2010
    Actually no I didn't see that thanks. I was looking for something like that too. I did find some help on the slitaz website hidden away in what said it was the researchers files or somethin like that. I didn't have to go through all the stuff they were saying though. So far slitaz has been a VERY nice distro to work with and the slitaz team is great for making it that way. They obviously really care about their work because compared to the other light distros I have used slitaz is #1...

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