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Is it possible to not load the file system in ram ?
  • XavierJXavierJ August 2010

    I known that running entirely from ram is a main feature of Slitaz, but is it possible to have the file system on the hdd (or other storage device) as usual ?
    I'm using Slitaz for it's lightness, but it would be better for me to have the file system on the main storage device.

  • seawolfseawolf August 2010
    Hi @XavierJ --

    Yes, there is an (simple) installer under 'System Tools', which will extract the FS to a full hard-disk. You might find the page on the docs site useful:

  • XavierJXavierJ August 2010
    Thank you seawolf.

    I have already done the "by hand" installation of this guide and I have Slitaz on my flash card, but my file system is still loaded in RAM at boot time : when I add a file, it's discarded when I reboot.
    Modifying the file system is not a problem of course. My problem is that Slitaz is very light, but what I am adding on the system is not, and I don't want all the files to be loaded in RAM if not necessary.
  • XavierJXavierJ August 2010
    I'm still lost in this problem.

    How can I know for sure if I'm running slitaz from ram ?
    I had a look at /etc/fstab ans there is no line for the root file system, but I'm not sure if it's relevant.
  • molmol August 2010

    * You have Live CD,USB -> in RAM

    * You have , on HD or USB ,
    ------* Frugal install -> in RAM
    ------* Full install -> everything is wrote on device

    For the Frugal/Live mode, the difference between the normal iso and the Loram one, is that the Loram doesn't decompress the /usr/lib in RAM . So it use less RAM but is less reactive

    To know if you are in RAM or not, ... just check if your root is on a device or not ... easy.
  • seawolfseawolf August 2010
    I don't have that in my /etc/fstab, either so I don't think it matters.

    If you've installed to the disk/card, you can see the file-system on the device through the file manager, and the line in the GRUB config. file has a "root=/dev/sda1" (or similar) appended, you are most definitely running on the disk/card. The installer will extract SliTaz to the disk/card and the boot-loader (GRUB) starts it from there.

    The only thing I can think of is that you have both the installed HD/card in and the Live version available somehow, and booting the wrong one.
  • XavierJXavierJ August 2010
    Thank you two a lot.

    I'm telling grub to use /dev/sda1 as root so I guess it's ok.

    But I tried to check it and I'm still confused : since the busybox mount has not the -l option I looked at /proc/mounts and I got the following about / :

    rootfs / rootfs rw 0 0
    /dev/root / ext2 rw,relatime,errors=continue 0 0

    The first line doesn't help much, and there is no root device in /dev on my system. Maybe it's used during boot and then removed.
  • ChristopheChristophe August 2010
    I am no expert here (I do not have a PC with a card reader allowing to boot from there) but it looks like you have a frugal install.

    Boot from the CD, go to the menu and reinstall from the appropriate menu entry, if your know that your flash card can be addressed as a fixed disk. Don't do a frugal install.
    I really believe the pb comes from your installation, to begin with, so go back to the root of the problem....

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