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Screen Resolution in SliTaz 3.0
  • JerryJerry April 2010
    I'm using SliTaz 3.0 in VMware. How to change screen resolution?
  • kphilmatkphilmat April 2010
    I'm having the same issue. Can't seem to find a gui app that will do this.
  • NikNik April 2010
    try to use the xvesa-flavor of slitaz
    find it here:
  • seawolfseawolf April 2010
    You may have luck editing the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file, at the 'Modes' line.

    Also, at the GRUB screen, hit 'E' and edit the "kernel" line, appending to the end:
    as described:

    Hope one of these work!
  • frEmnfrEmn July 2010
    Thanks seawolf. I'm a total Linux noob, and have been trying to figure out my resolution problem for a few days. appending the end of the kernel line did it for me.

    Thanks for the help.
  • what 'bout xvesa?
    how can I change the resolution?

    Can't find any GUI....
  • "This output shows widescreen resolutions cannot be displayed with XVesa."
    Ya but, how to set one of them?
  • frEmnfrEmn July 2010
    can anyone explain this...

    I formatted and reinstalled SliTaz onto my HD (that's what I get for not backing up .conf files) , and attempted this same fix to correct my resolution... This time it didn't work.
  • mojomojo July 2010
    I just tried it on the xorg version of slitaz-3.0.iso , doesn't work.
  • frEmnfrEmn July 2010
    I wonder why it worked for me the first time? I installed off of the same .iso disc to a fresh partition, the same way I installed it the first time.

    I wasn't able to find a "Modes" line in my xorg.conf or I would try the other possible fix.
  • mojomojo July 2010
    With Linux you have to add configurations, sometimes even create configuration files that don't exist in the correct locations.

    Go here: / Configuring X
    Start with 3. , on my dell laptop I had to do 1.,2., and 3. before xorg would work with the vesa driver.
  • frEmnfrEmn July 2010
    Thank you so much for your help. I will devour that link/guide and determine to get it running like a clock.

    As a lifetime windows user (mostly xp), and a causal osx user, this whole Linux thing is a bit overwhelming. I'm very excited to get to know the inner workings of the os more intimately. It's thanks to those like you that I stand a chance at successfully learning how to command and control my Linux machine.

    I'll post back with my results later.
  • @blasphemous,
    First check what resolution are available with your card:

    $ Xvesa -listmodes

    Then check your ~/.xsession file contents. You can report its contents, if you're stuck.

    Here is an example on how to start Xvesa (found here:

    $ Xvesa -ac -shadow -screen 1024x800x24 -keybd keyboard -mouse mouse,5,/dev/input/mice &

    Hope it helps.

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