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software to play DVDs
  • Ok, so I got my DVD drive working, and I am now able to play DVDs, however I now have problems with the software available to play the DVDs with.

    If I use VLC, I get no sound... which is pretty useless. If I use xine, the screen flickers every 4 seconds, which is very annoying!

    Does anyone know a fix for either of these problems? Im pretty impartial to which player I use, I just want one of them to work!

  • mojomojo June 2010
    I suggest mplayer-svn, VLC is compiled with ac3 decoder disabled which explains why DVD sound doesn't work. Low video framerate can lead to screen flicker.Slitaz has problem with intel graphics,my laptop runs slitaz @60 FPS, ubuntu @1030 FPS.
  • devl547devl547 June 2010
    >laptop runs slitaz @60 FPS, ubuntu @1030 FPS.

    1. glxgears is not a benchmark
    2. frame limit

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