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Fresh new receipt (and some issues about it, including translation): WbarConf
  • blcondeblconde May 2010
    Here's my WbarConf receipt:

    # SliTaz package receipt.

    SHORT_DESC="Configuration GUI for wbar written in Python and GTK"
    DEPENDS="wbar python pygtk pygobject"
    BUILD_DEPENDS="wbar python-dev pygtk-dev pygobject-dev"

    # Rules to configure and make the package.
    compile_rules() {
    cd $PACKAGE
    sh ./ /usr

    # Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg.
    mkdir -p $fs/usr/bin
    cp -a $PACKAGE/wbarconf $fs/usr/bin
    mkdir -p $fs/usr/share/wbarconf
    cp -a $PACKAGE/README $fs/usr/share/wbarconf
    cp -a $PACKAGE/COPYING $fs/usr/share/wbarconf
    mkdir -p $fs/usr/share/locale
    cp -a $PACKAGE/locale/* $fs/usr/share/locale
    cp -a $PACKAGE/messages.pot $fs/usr/share/wbarconf
    cp -a $PACKAGE/wbarbacks $fs/usr/share/wbarconf
    mkdir -p $fs/usr/share/pixmaps
    cp -a $PACKAGE/wbarconf.png $fs/usr/share/pixmaps
    mkdir -p $fs/usr/share/applications
    cp -a $PACKAGE/wbarconf.desktop $fs/usr/share/applications


    And here's the first issue:

    WbarConf's install script "" brings two lines with the command "cp" and the prefix "-av":
    - line 22
    cp -av locale/* $startdir/share/locale/ || return 1

    - line 27
    cp -av wbarbacks $startdir/share/wbarconf/ || return 1

    So it results these lines when I run the "tazwok cook wbarconf" (everything else seems fine):

    cp: invalid option -- 'v'
    BusyBox v1.12.0 (2010-03-12 18:25:03 CET) multi-call binary

    Usage: cp [OPTION]... SOURCE DEST

    Copy SOURCE to DEST, or multiple SOURCE(s) to DIRECTORY

    -a Same as -dpR
    -d,-P Preserve links
    -H,-L Dereference all symlinks (default)
    -p Preserve file attributes if possible
    -f Force overwrite
    -i Prompt before overwrite
    -R,-r Recurse directories
    -l,-s Create (sym)links

    ./ line 22:  return: not found
    cp: invalid option -- 'v'
    BusyBox v1.12.0 (2010-03-12 18:25:03 CET) multi-call binary

    Usage: cp [OPTION]... SOURCE DEST

    Copy SOURCE to DEST, or multiple SOURCE(s) to DIRECTORY

    -a Same as -dpR
    -d,-P Preserve links
    -H,-L Dereference all symlinks (default)
    -p Preserve file attributes if possible
    -f Force overwrite
    -i Prompt before overwrite
    -R,-r Recurse directories
    -l,-s Create (sym)links

    ./ line 27:  return: not found

    Is it a BusyBox issue? Or is there an extra BusyBox module I should install to enable this "-av" prefix?


    The second issue:

    I also translated WbarConf for pt_BR, but only my local "/home/slitaz/wok/wbarconf/wbarconf/locale" folder and local /home/slitaz/packages/wbarconf-0.7.2.tazpkg have this translation, so is there a possibility to upload the already translated .tazpkg to Slitaz's repos?

    Anyway, I'll try to get in touch with WbarConf developers to send my .po file for the next release (if any, because the develepment seems closed).


    The final issue:

    Slitaz's repo "gettext" package should bring the "acl" package as dependency, that's the only way I can run the "msgfmt" properly (I got this hint from


  • jozeejozee May 2010
    @blconde : I had packaged wbarconf almost a year back and then forgot to add it to wok. Now, since you are trying it, I will let you do.

    wbarconf does not need any compile_rules(). Wbarconf only has "cp -a" and "mkdir -p". So, no need to use it. Just improve genpkg_rules() to include "$src" variable. It should be easy.
  • kultexkultex May 2010
    @jozee are you shure, you forgot - wbar is running fine on my Futro - it was included in snow-dillo.iso (or perhaps I installed it with tazpkg)
  • jozeejozee May 2010
    @kultex : wbarconf is python-based wbar configurator GUI and depends on wbar :-)
  • blcondeblconde May 2010
    @jozee : Nice you are also interested in WbarConf, please send me (or post it here) your own receipt, so I can see how you, an expercienced packager, make things, I believe I can learn seeing your work.

    But have you seen the lines 22 and 27 from version 0.7.2 I posted? Both bring the prefix "-av". Is it a combination of the prefix "-a", or "--archive", with "-v", or "--verbose"? How make Slitaz run this prefix correctly? (My source after a quick internet search:


    By the way, is there man pages for Slitaz?
  • ACRizonaACRizona August 2010
    Anyone have a Wbar config file that contains 'everything-you-ever-wanted' ???

    ( Its a lotta work,,, I'm very lazy, i hate to tipe, my sellng is bad !)

    Please ?
  • GokhlayehGokhlayeh August 2010
    I take the job :

    @blconde : if you want to take the maintainment it's possible. Or I can add you're translation if you send it to me.
  • blcondeblconde August 2010
    @Gokhlayeh : Sorry about take this time to answer, some day I would like to maintain some packages, but now I don't have that much time (I'm working on my master) and I don't understand that much about shell script. Anyway, thanks to your interest to the topic.

    And here it is the translations files (.mo and .po):


  • ChristopheChristophe August 2010
    If I remember correctly I tried wbar and it was static, while adeskbar allows for hiding out of the screen and showing back up above the working window.... wouldn't this be a better idea, if you are working on a "bar" anyway ???

  • GokhlayehGokhlayeh September 2010
    @blconde: thanks, wbarconf is updated with pt_BR translations :

    @christophe : wbar is light because it don't have python depends. We can have both bars anyway. I can't get adeskbar works now, I don't understand why. I need some extra time to check this.
  • GokhlayehGokhlayeh September 2010
    @christophe : adeskbar 0.3.8 added in SliTaz cooking : Some optionnal dependencies are missing so some plugins doesn't works. I will add theses later.
    The last version (0.3.9) doesn"t works in SliTaz cooking, I don't know why. Maybe our python is too old.

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