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[SOLVED] - GLIBC 2.11 errors. subversion errors. libssl.0.9.8 errors.
  • knownameknowname May 2010
    Trying to compile. Any suggestions? Or what happened to Slitaz? The 20091124-slitaz-aircrack-ng was fine. I didn't mind clicking menu then run and typing startx in the command box everytime it started. Yeah, seems like 3.0 fixed startx but broke everything else. wow. can't wait for 4.0.
  • What about giving more info instead of complaining?
  • devl547devl547 May 2010
    > libssl.0.9.8

    cd /usr/lib
    sudo ln -s libssl.0.9.8
    sudo ln -s libcrypto.0.9.8

    //broken by 1.0 bump.
    And 2.11 is in cooking.
  • knownameknowname May 2010
    Thanks for the libssl and libcrypto info. Now it's the dreaded libc-2.11.1 error when you type startx. Anyone know of a Linux distro besides backtrack that is geared towards aircrack-ng? I could care less about ripping cd's or viewing pdf's. Where is the darkAudax? I wonder why he hasn't released an slitaz-aircrack-ng 3.0.

    20091124 slitaz-aircrack-ng is still the best. It's just lame you can't run the update-aircrack script or compile the latest aircrack-ng right now. It's not your fault darkAudax, you seem to get it.
  • devl547devl547 May 2010
    >you can't run the update-aircrack script or compile the latest aircrack-ng right now

    Ohh... need to update it in repos. Thanks for info.
  • knownameknowname May 2010
    AWESOME!!!! Thanks devl547!! I was hoping it would just be a matter of time. While you're in the repos how about putting in mdk3-v6. If not, no big deal. It compiles really easy if you can compile aircrack-ng. Whew....I'm so glad this is just a temp thing. I think I've tried most of the other distros and they can't touch this Slitaz thing.... When it works. ;)

    Thank You Totoetsasoeur....You're right...
  • Slitaz's guys are just amazing when you provide them relevant info. (And sometimes even if no info are provided, I must say). This is one reason explaining why Slitaz is so great. :-)

    I feel really happy they helped you.

    PS: would you mind editing this topic title and add [SOLVED] at its beginning? Thanks

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