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Slitaz on 32mb Pentium MMX 200MHz, 20GB hard drive, CD rom 32x
  • EdoubleEdouble April 2010
    Hello. New Slitaz user here. I downloaded the latest version of Slitaz (both standard and slitaz-3.0-loram.iso), but the live CD dies after the kernel is loaded, saying not enough memory. I know this computer works, because I previously installed Damn Small Linux on it, but was not happy with the results.

    Is there a boot option I am missing? Should I have tried slitaz-3.0-loram-cdrom.iso since my CD rom works?

    My final objective is to install the OS to the hard drive. I am really not interested in running the live CD, but it seems you have to run the live CD before installing to the hard drive.

    Thanks in advance.
  • erniaernia April 2010
    try doing the installation by hand
    using the standard slitaz rootfs but another distro to do the job
  • EdoubleEdouble April 2010
    That seems kind of complicated. Could you explain a little more or is there another option?

  • seawolfseawolf April 2010
    It may seem complicated but one has to remember that it is normally the tool doing the work; you will be being that tool just once. All the commands are given there and you can execute them from a distro you are comfortable with.

    To summarise them:
    1: prep a target (i.e. your hard disk)
    2: make the file-system available (i.e. the CDROM fs)
    3: copy the boot files (vmlinuz etc.)
    4: extract the rest of the file-system to your hard disk (unzip the compressed fs)
    5: prep the boot files to use said hard disk (edit bootloader config).

    That's both the "Install By Hand" and "GRUB Bootloader" sections. Yep, 5 steps!

    Out of interest, how much RAM do you have? It'll have to be very low for the LowRAM flavour to fail!
  • EdoubleEdouble April 2010
    I have 32 megs, as I posted in the title.

    So I can do this while in my hard drive install of DSL?

    Shouldn't the Slitaz lo-ram live CD be able to run?
  • EdoubleEdouble April 2010
    Well I tried following the instructions, but DSL does not seem to have the LZMA command, so I am stuck. Any suggestions?
  • jozeejozee April 2010
    Yes, lo-ram is the choice. Try 3-in-1 flavor. It's magical. It detects the amount of RAM you have and takes the desired action: to act as core, or lo-ram or lo-ram CD.
  • EdoubleEdouble April 2010
    I appreciate the help and ideas from everyone.

    So it seems zcat, gzip or gunzip can work in place of lzma. Would someone be so kind as to tell me the proper command and switches for this line?

    # lzma d rootfs.gz -so | cpio -id

    Thanks and I hope to be up and running soon with your help!

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