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Problems with security
  • icecreamicecream April 2010
    Hi, I've just installed slitaz 3.0 and I have already some problems with configuration of iptables and daemon.

    1) When I write "iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -i eth0 -s -j DROP" in xterm I have this message : "The "nat" table is not intended for filtering, the use of DROP is therefore inhibited". I don't understand why...

    2)When slitaz boots, "udev daemon" appears "failed" , I don't know what is udev daemon.
    Sorry, I'm french I don't speak english very well

    Thanks !
  • RuppRupp April 2010
    1. I don't know anything about the iptables sorry.

    2. I have that same problem and don't notice any effects from it. I still hate that is says "failed" People have the problem in different distro's all the time from what I have read.

  • erniaernia April 2010
    the udev daemon failed message appairs to me too, but this is not your problem. i think that you should read an howto about iptables or install a prebuilt firewall. i have installed arno-iptables-firewall converting the debian package
  • seawolfseawolf April 2010
  • seawolfseawolf April 2010
    @Rupp -- UDev handles hotplugging of devices on a system level, like creating a node for a newly-plugged-in USB memory stick. HAL usually follows it on the user level, by automatically mounting it, running a CD player etc.

    Personally, I think it is confusion between what UDev daemon considers a successful exit and what the status thinks it should be; they're both wrong and both right. It's not a problem if it still works, just a miscommunication of sorts.

    Sorry I cannot be of assistance on the firewall issue.

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