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[SOLVED]Keyboard and Display Issues
  • JingJing April 2010
    I installed Slitaz 3.0 on an old laptop with no CDROM/floppy/network card. I did it by taking the harddrive out and put it in a newer laptop with CDROM and then installed the os through live CD. When I put the harddrive back, Slitaz generally works but with two problems.

    First, something seems wrong with keyboard mapping. For example, letter "z" and "y" are reverses that when I type "z" I get "y" and vise versa. I went to "preferences>Keyboard mapping" and made sure it is set to "us USA" because that is where I am from. But still the problem exists after rebooting.

    Second problem is with monitor display. The working screen area that slitaz uses on the LCD display is smaller than the actual size of the screen. In other words, there is wasted space/border around the sqare area taken by slitaz.

    I assume the two issues might have something to do with the fact that I installed the os on a different computer and moved back the harddrive. Any suggestion is sincerely aprpeciated!
  • erniaernia April 2010
    for locale :
    if you have booted in the other pc and you have xorg try to delete /etc/x11/xorg.conf and reboot
  • JingJing April 2010
    Thanks! I fixed the keyboard issue. However, the screen problem exists. deleting xorg.conf file does not help. I still get a x windoe that is smaller than LCD monitor size.
  • JingJing April 2010
    Related part in my xorg.conf looks like this:

    Section "Monitor"
    Identifier "Monitor0"
    VendorName "Monitor Vendor"
    ModelName "Monitor Model"

    Maybe I should modify this file somehow? Sorry for the newbie question. I am reading related posts on the forum. Thank you for your help.
  • erniaernia April 2010
    lspci | grep VGA
    should tell you what kind of card you have
    tazpkg search xf86-video
    should tell you if a better driver than vesa is available for your card
    modern Xorg should not need /etc/X11/xorg.conf and work out of the box through hal, but it does not work everytime and slitaz uses xorg.conf, so or will tell you how to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf
    basically i think you should try to add a mode suitable to your need to the screen section or change/add (carefully) HorizSync and VertRefresh in the Monitor section.
    if you don't want to bother with xorg there is also a xvesa slitaz 3.0 flavor, but i would prefer xorg.
  • JingJing April 2010
    Thank you very much. I followed your suggestions and resolved the issue.

    In case some other newbies like me has similar display issues, this is what I have done to resolve the issue:

    1. use "lspci | grep VGA" I got information about my video card. It is a ATI Rage Mobility P/M AGP 2x.

    2. I googled for above card with xorg and found proper entries for the xorg.conf:

    HorizSync 31.5-48.5
    VertRefresh 60

    I manually added above lines to the Monitor section.

    3. To better understand what those paramters mean here is the manul for xorg.conf:

    Probably the better solution is to find better driver for my video card. But I do not have internect access on the laptop I installed slitaz 3.0, yet. I am now trying to figure out how to make the pcmcia ethernet adapter work.
  • erniaernia April 2010
    if you need help with pcmcia too open another pertinent topic, i will be glad (if i'wil be able to) to be helpful

    me dumb, you already did it, sorry
  • monzmonz April 2010
    Thanks, Jing! So many times when people solve a Linux problem they just post "never mind, i fixed it" and nothing else.

    I'm so glad you posted the HorizSync and VertRefresh data for that VGA card, because i had the same problem with the same card, and now it's fixed.

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