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Slitaz and older newbees
  • GrampsGramps March 2010
    Hello folks,
    I'm new to linux and I've been looking for a linux type to learn to use. I've tried ubuntu, mint, and several others. They are easy for an older person like myself to use ( I'm 62), but they don't run worth a dang on my old IBM T23 notebook which is a pentium 3 1.1 gigahertz with 256 MB of RAM. How difficult would Slitaz be to learn to work with if you're a old, slow, upper middle aged person like myself? Please be honest but let's not be mean, I've already had a few on other forums tell me that older newbees aren't needed.

  • davesurreydavesurrey March 2010
    FWIW This is the way I look at it:
    The larger linux distros like Ubuntu, Mint, Mandriva....have a lot of help scripts that
    make life easier for the casual user (or at least they aim to do so) but they carry the penalty that they are large and so will be slow and bulky, especially for older PCs, as you correctly mentioned.

    If you look at Linux distros like SliTaz, there is also Puppy, TinyCore, and several others. They all aim to be very small and they all care about running older kit. They all have their pros and cons but I believe you have nothing to lose in trying the latest SliTaz (version 3 just out today) for your laptop. Yes there may be things you have to do yourself that the bigger distros would have done automatically for you but this way you will learn a bit more about Linux.

    Please don't think of age as a barrier. I know 20 year olds who don't have a brain cell to think in a structured way to do the simplest computer tasks. And I have a friend who is nearly 80 who is always experimenting with his PC. I myself am very close to your vintage. And I regularly sort out PC problems, build PCs and install linux for others, although I am very new to Slitaz.

    Hope that helps and encourages you to come on-board and enjoy Linux.

  • RuppRupp March 2010

    Slitaz is great. If I were you I would also give Puppy Linux a try. There are a lot of knowledgable and helpful people at their forums and IRC. Not taking anything away from Slitaz. Just those two things are invaluable to a newbee as you say lol.

  • luvva_cuppaluvva_cuppa March 2010
    Just about to notch up the 50 mark myself but am ready to get my hands dirty and spend some time trying to install slitaz on even the most reluctant of laptops: my daughter's dell inspiron 1525, a nice shade of pink but a real pain in the a** to get anything running stably on. Either no sound or no ethernet connection depending on the version. I haven't given up hope yet though.

    Linus is a lot of fun and leaves a lot of scope for problem solving. Enjoy!
  • rustysmooverustysmoove April 2010
    I have the same laptop t23, slitaz 3.0 work great on it with some tweaking.
    I have video with dri enabled and sound out of the box. running lxde with 48mb ram on startup. gotta love it.

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