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ATI Radeon Mobility x1600
  • sci_fisci_fi March 2010
    Sorry for such a newb question.

    I am trying to get started with Slitaz and have not been able to get my display to function properly.

    I run Slitaz from a usb stick. It boots fine but with the wrong resolution. My graphics card is ATI Radeon Mobility x1600 1680x1050x24. I attempted to install what I thought was the proper driver using the package manager but have had no success. Perhaps I need to install more Xorg components.

    Any advice much appreciated.

    Thank you and best regards,

  • sci_fisci_fi March 2010
    Thanks, _KdE_ . I was able to get the display sorted out thanks to your suggestion. Much appreciated.


    Best regards,


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