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Typo or not (justX.flavor vs. justx.flavor)?
  • maromaro February 2010
    There are currently two almost identically named flavor files in the .../slitaz/packages/cooking direcory (justX.flavor and justx.flavor). Are those meant to be both there or could it be the result of a typo?
  • mojomojo February 2010
    Nothing wrong here.

    tux@slitaz:~$ tazlito list-flavors

    List of flavors
    base 6.5M 13.9M Minimal set of packages to boot
    core 28.6M 97.4M SliTaz core system
    eeepc 28.6M 97.8M SliTaz eeepc system
    justX 14.7M 47.9M SliTaz with a minimal X environnement
    loram-cdrom 99.4M 6.2M SliTaz loram system (/usr on cdrom)
    loram-cdrom-sqfs 33.6M 6.3M SliTaz loram system (/usr on cdrom)
    loram 33.6M 35.1M SliTaz loram system (all in RAM)
    loram-http 5.4M 6.5M SliTaz loram system (/usr on web)

    tux@slitaz:~$ tazlito show-flavor justX
    14 blocks
    Flavor : justX
    Description : SliTaz with a minimal X environnement
    Version : 2.0
    Maintainer :
    LiveCD RAM size : 96M
    Build date : 20090822 at 13:39:46
    Packages : 116
    Rootfs size : 47.9M
    Initramfs size : 12.2M
    ISO image size : 14.7M

  • jozeejozee February 2010
    @maro: I can replicate your problem by recharging ("tazlito list-flavors --recharge"). it seems like a typo. We will verify. it should be justX.
  • panksopankso February 2010

    Not a typo, I renamed and refactored all flavors. That said we have forgot to remove old flavors files from mirror, thanks for the report.
  • maromaro February 2010
    Well, I don't want to appear impatient, but both files are still on the mirror:
    $ rsync --no-motd*.flavor
    -rw-rw-r-- 5721 2010/02/03 04:36:57 justX.flavor
    -rw-r--r-- 11729 2010/02/17 17:59:09 justx.flavor
  • maromaro March 2010
    Hmmm, is it really that difficult to remove a file from the repository?

    Judging from the fact that the justx.flavor file gets updated (currently showing '2010/03/04 00:53:09'), whilst the justX.flavor file remains unchanged, I guess the latter should be removed.

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