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idiots guide to flash
  • joshjosh February 2010
    i must be the biggest idiot. seems like everyone can get flash to work. ive tried get-flash-plugin ive tried tazpkg get-install flash-plugin ive tried the repo. whats the deal? it says i already have it installed but no flash plugin is detected...
  • taylorchutaylorchu February 2010
    netsurf browser does not support flash. try firefox.
  • joshjosh February 2010
    it is firefox
  • taylorchutaylorchu February 2010
    upgrade tazpkg 3.2 and then install flash plugin again
    recently, all packages are repacked in new format
    if your tazpkg version is not 3.2, (even you click "get-install") slitaz cannot install flash
  • joshjosh February 2010
    how do i upgrade it?
  • seawolfseawolf February 2010
    tazpkg get-install tazpkg --forced
  • joshjosh February 2010
    did that, now when i try to install from repo it says file already exist...
  • taylorchutaylorchu February 2010
    i think you might want to remove flash package and re-install it again
  • joshjosh February 2010
    ok, then how do i remove it now?
  • monzmonz February 2010
    (in this comment, "#" is the root prompt, you don't actually type it,
    just what follows)

    #tazpkg remove get-flash-plugin

    #tazpkg usage
    will show you all of the commands for tazpkg

    also remember that this flash "package" is only a way to _get_ flash, because flash is proprietary. so after you do:

    #tazpkg get-install get-flash-plugin

    then you have to actually run it to install flash:


    and it should be ok for firefox.

    my big complaint is that there seems to be no way to use this to install flash on my favorite browser, opera. any help from anyone on that? flash-9 was easy, but flash-10 seems to only work for firefox.
  • RuppRupp February 2010
    go to your opera folder located /home/tux/.opera and find the file pluginspath.ini open it up and add these:


    if you still have 3.5.3 change it accordingly

  • mojomojo February 2010
    When slitaz installs flash it puts in
    /usr/share/flash and makes a symbolic link in /usr/lib/firefox-*/plugins
    The fix above works until you change firefox versions as operas path to flash will break when the version number on the firefox folder changes.
    I tried adding a usr/lib/firefox-*=1 in the plugin path but it wouldn't work.

    This command will give the default path to plugins in opera it's own symlink to

    root@slitaz:ln -s /usr/share/flash/ /usr/lib/opera/plugins/

    or you can add the path to on a per user basis
    /usr/share/flash=1 to /home/each.user/.opera/pluginpath.ini
  • mojomojo February 2010
    I tried adding /usr/lib/firefox-*/plugins=1 to pluginpath.ini but opera couldn't find
  • RuppRupp February 2010
    As I said just change the version number and it will work. Thats why I said if you have to then change the version number.
  • joshjosh February 2010
    you guys are gods. it worked without a hitch! thanks!!!!!!
  • RuppRupp February 2010
    no we are just mere mortals :)

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