Hello, Is it possible to add an option into SliTaz's HD installer so that a user can choose to have the OS/filesystem boot into RAM upon startup (even though it is installed on a hard drive)?
@avamk Can you have a full install of slitaz and pass an option at boot to load the entire os into ram as if you were running a frugal install ? No,but you could have a live install nested inside of a full install. Don't see the point as they are not sharing root filesystems.You could share /home but all programs would have to be installed to each individually. Check the documentation for tazusb for an explanation of a frugal install with persistance.You can use the tazusb to install to a hard drive partition. After you add home=/dev/sdxx , /dev/hdxx, or UUID to grub kernel line option to tazusb writefs is available to compress/save your filesystem in memory to disk prior to shutdown thereby saving installed programs.