Okay, since last I posted I've updated the ram with a 65mb I found in another computer. That brings my ram to 192mb, enough to run slitaz. It started up quick. This distro is awesome by the way. Everything is extremely snappy! Anyways, I decided to install it to my hard drive but fdisk -l isn't showing anything?? And gparted says no device found. It was an older 30gb drive so I tried to swap it out with an 80gb I had laying around. Same thing, nothing found. Is there something I'm not getting? Anyways any pointers would be nice since this is by far the nicest system I've yet to use on this computer. Thanks
Boot another livecd linux distro such as DSL or tinycore where you can see your hard drive. cat /proc/ide/drivers should return the driver name or look at dmesg. Then we'll have to determine the status of that driver in slitaz config.gz Worse case scenario is you would have to compile a kernel with that driver support switched on or compile a module.
check also in the bios, if you can see the harddisk, if not perhaps the ide controler is disabled or dead - when you see the harddisk try to boot other distros as mojo said and post the output of lspci