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How to install a tazpkg file?
  • TunyawatTunyawat December 2010
    I'm trying to install the printing system on my slitaz boxes. I know that I could do this by clicking the button under hardware detection and drivers panel. Unfortunately, the size of the package is too big and my internet connection is not very stable. I want to download the necessary packages into the CD and install them locally.

    Now, I could successfully download the packages but I don't know how to install them - could anyone please show me how to do it?
  • seawolfseawolf December 2010

    Start a terminal and cd to the directory. (An easy way is to go to the directory in the file manager and press F4.) Switch to the root user with the su command and the password root then type tazpkg install [package-name].tazpkg.


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