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Requesting apps
  • lekeleke January 2011

    I've just started playing with SliTaz and think
    it's pretty rad. I know a little about programming and linux, but in no
    way I would say I was good enough to build from source code yet (yeah, i did have a look at the cookbook docs).
    I know of an app I really like but it's not available as a package. I was wondering if there was a place I could request for it to be built?

    Cheers :)
  • GawronGawron January 2011

    Here is a discussion about requesting apps. request a pkg You can build a source and install in traditional linux way gcc, make and all necessary tools are included in slitaz-toolchain. Or install them separately with tazpkg. Cookbook is for making slitaz packages. Try out converting .deb or .rpm with tazpkg convert.

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