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  • LexeiiLexeii June 2010
    Is this a good idea to pack all the executables with UPX? Of course, except of busybox & shell scripts. And this will need "hack" md5 in filelist of packages.
    The main goal is reduce RAM usage by system. Will it work?
  • devl547devl547 June 2010
    Nope. It will decrease hdd usage, but not RAM.
    In fact, it will use more ram:
    >Currently, executables compressed by UPX do not share RAM at runtime
    in the way that executables mapped from a filesystem do. As a
    result, if the same program is run simultaneously by more than one
    process, then using the compressed version will require more RAM and/or
    swap space. So, shell programs (bash, csh, etc.) and ''make''
    might not be good candidates for compression.
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