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  • tikbalang
    tikbalang changed his profile picture.
    September 2010
  • lmart

    whew, this new site is confusing.
    grub4dos seems only to work with slitaz.
    using your suggested commands, tried dsl, dsl-n, austrumi and nothing works. any ideas?
    has anyone helped you with opera?

    ps, losing "tux" user after tazusb. did like you suggested. updated all of my packages. su root, tazusb writefs gzip. when boot updated system, can only logon as root. any ideas why?
    November 2009
    • tikbalang
      yeah, i get the same problems. i mentioned this in the opera thread. it seems tazusb script does not save the /home folder and instead relies on /etc/skel for new settings. user slicel mentioned something about setting "home=" boot option. i have not tried it yet.

      here is another untested workaround:

      boot slitaz from cdrom, update, writefs then run slitaz installer to usb(<-- won't run from frugal install, only cd).

      regarding other linuxes, you have to correctly name the kernel and initrd so grub4dos can find them. some, like DSL, prefers to be in the root of the partition, meaning you can't organize its files into its own subfolder.

      i've been using linux off and on for a while but i'm still unfamiliar with how it works really.
      November 2009
    • lmart
      good to hear from you
      will read the thread, try it, let you know outcome
      got puppy to work under grub4dos last night; it easily recognizes my wireless, unlike slitaz, still can't get it to work
      seems like we're in the same boat, i'm trying to move from xp to linux; running into lots of disappointments
      November 2009
    • lmart

      have an idea, see if this makes sense

      currently, we:
      #1 extract the cd contents to /slitaz
      #2 launch slitaz from grub4dos

      in theory, to upgrade the system:
      #1 upgrade the system (tazpkg upgrade)
      #2 remaster the iso rather than 'tazusb writefs gzip' because this isn't working (need step by step, howto remaster iso)
      #3 burn iso to cd
      #4 extract the cd contents to /slitaz
      #5 launch slitaz from grub4dos

      would this work?
      #1 upgrade the system (tazpkg upgrade)
      #2 remaster the iso
      #3 extract the contents of the iso to /slitaz (woul need step by step, howto)
      #4 launch slitaz from grub
      November 2009
    • tikbalang
      if rootfs.gz itself is bad then remastering will do nothing. i am about to try this:

      change "root=/dev/null" in to point to the actual location of slitaz in my hd.
      November 2009
    • tikbalang
      it didn't work. what i did was:

      1. boot frugal slitaz from hd.
      2. run tazusb liveusb tool, point to slitaz iso file on hd and unmounted usb device. generate.
      3. reboot from newly generated bootable usb.
      4. make changes then run "tazusb writefs gzip" because the gui method fails.

      you can then use this rootfs.gz for frugal install if you will not be making anymore changes. i had a few more reboots in the steps above to verify changes. so far, livecd tool only copied /boot folder from the iso and created /tux in the root of the usb disk. somewhere in the syslinux boot options "home=usb" points to the usb disk. i don't know yet how to change this or convert to grub4dos. will ask in forums.

      November 2009
    • lmart
      it's not that rootgz is bad; after following your procedure to update, it will only boot into root
      can't boot into a usb; that's been on of the challenges since the start; never could get slitaz to boot from the slitaz floppy
      i'll try what you suggest on my laptop; i never use gui method
      November 2009
    • tikbalang
      "tux" problems solved. see my "frugal/manual install thread". you really have to set the "home=" boot option.
      November 2009

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