i just have to chime in and say wow! i messed around with 2.0 a year ago and really enjoyed it but had a few issues with it. i think my issues were mostly with xvesa and not being able to fully use all of my keys/touchpad on my netbook.
i have been playing around with 3.0 for a few days now and i am very impressed with the progress that has been made since 2.0. i have been running stable 3.0 off of a 1gig stick. i just upgraded to cooking mainly for the newer midori and the new vlc (i do not like pre 1.0). midori is just amazing, on 2.0 it was still quite buggy but not any more!
i have tweeked 3.0 to behave more like #!- added a bunch of superkey shortcuts, tweeked synaptics to scroll and double tap lock, added conky and vlc... still not sure if i will get rid of lxpanel for tint2 yet.
quick question: since its running totally in ram can i unmount the usb stick and remove it after i boot as long as i am not gzipping changes?
also- if i were to install to the ssd drive would slitaz still boot completely into ram?
big thanks and cheers to all involved with slitaz!
I would say yes for both questions and in addtition to question 2 - only if you do the frugal installation - just copy your stick to the ssd-partition and edit your grub-menu.lst (I use SliTaz like this on my SSD)
@askew: could you provide informationon how you enabled the double tap lock and scrolling on the touchpad? I have an eee701 and really miss this feature