My first question is how do you first mount something on /media/cdrom, and then in the next step mount something else on /media? As I am reading the last two lines there, I begin to wonder is this a mistake; perhaps the second line should be:Root filesystem files installation
Copy files from the rootfs.gz archive of a cdrom into the loopfile:# mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom
# mount -o loop,ro slitaz.fs /media
# unlzma -c /media/cdrom/boot/rootfs.gz | ( cd /mnt; cpio -idmu )
# umount -d /mnt
# umount /media/cdrom
so that /mnt can be used in the third line and then unmounted in the fourth line?# mount -o loop,ro slitaz.fs /mnt
# mount -o loop,rw slitaz.fs /mnt
# mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdromHTH
# mount -o loop,ro slitaz.fs /media
# unlzma -c /media/cdrom/boot/rootfs.gz | ( cd /mnt; cpio -idmu )
# umount -d /mnt
# umount /media/cdrom
there is no error in those above lines ;
the 2nd mount "just over_cache" on /media , so while that 2nd mount lives on
no /media/cdrom/* is visble...until unmount the 2nd mount !
But it is correct ,and it does work !
the 3rd line needs may be "a slight modif" :
replace unlzma with "unlzma -S gz"
to specify the suffix used by slitaz as rootfs.gz
(which should be rootfs.lzma
or some thing unlzma recognises as defaut suffix )
And the 1st line /dev/cdrom could have been -if you just download slitaz.iso ,whithout burning it
mount -oloop slitaz.iso /media/cdrom
the result of the 4 operations above = "rootfs inside /mnt" !!!!
not rootfs mounted on /mnt !
true "physical files" unpacked by cpio into the directory /mnt
the only true mistype is the 1st umount -d /mnt which should really be umount /media
since /mnt has never been mount on the above operations
On three different machines unlzma complains that it cannot find /media/cdrom/boot (No such file or directory). I must use /mnt on lines 2 & 4 instead of /media. I don't know what works for other while that 2nd mount lives on
no /media/cdrom/* is visble...until unmount the 2nd mount!
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