Bunch of issues. 7 seems to have more dependencies, it requires xorg-libSM-dev and xorg-libICE-dev to be installed (which in turn required to be installed using the --forced option, not sure why kept throwing some errors). Now "make WXSTATIC=1" throws errors with Assembling Aes_hw_cpu.asm and fails with an "expression syntax error".
At this point, can't seem to go any further (I'm not really an expert in compiling stuff). Giving up, unless anyone is interested in walking me through this (hint, hint).
The tutorial you followed was for SliTaz 2.0 based on the date. This probably won't work exactly the same for SliTaz 3. For example, wxWidgets and wxWidgets-dev are both in the repository, so you don't have to compile them. So I guess you can skip the whole section on compiling wxWidgets then. Going on that tutorial, you need to install the following packages: slitaz-toolchain, fuse-dev, gtk+-dev, pkg-config, dmsetup, wxWidgets-dev and xorg-libXxf86vm-dev
Then download, tar zxf it, ./configure --prefix=/usr and then try compiling the bugger again (make then make install).
/pastversions at truecrypt.org only seems to have the binaries -- don't I need the source code? I couldn't find a link to download the source (or am I seriously retarded?).
I will download and install wxWidgets-dev and xorg-libXxf86vm-dev (I have the rest installed already) and try compiling again. I am assuming this will work with 7?
So, "slitaz-toolchain, fuse-dev, gtk+-dev, pkg-config, dmsetup, wxWidgets-dev and xorg-libXxf86vm-dev" can all be removed after TrueCrypt is installed?
There is actually another package required for the asm files called nasm which you have to install. I downloaded the source code and tried to compile it. Here are the steps I took: 1. Downloaded the linux source code from http://www.truecrypt.org/downloads2 and downloaded the file to my Downloads folder. 2. I go to terminal, type cd Downloads and untar the file with tar zxf TrueCrypt\ 7.0a\ Source.tar.gz 3. I made sure I installed all the dependacies - including nasm 4. I typed mkdir temp and cd temp into it 5. I downloaded the files I needed from ftp://ftp.rsasecurity.com/pub/pkcs/pkcs-11/v2-20 : wget ftp://ftp.rsasecurity.com/pub/pkcs/pkcs-11/v2-20/cryptoki.h wget ftp://ftp.rsasecurity.com/pub/pkcs/pkcs-11/v2-20/pkcs11.h wget ftp://ftp.rsasecurity.com/pub/pkcs/pkcs-11/v2-20/pkcs11f.h wget ftp://ftp.rsasecurity.com/pub/pkcs/pkcs-11/v2-20/pkcs11t.h 6. su to root and cp *.h /usr/include 7. cd .. to get out of the temp folder and then cd truecrypt-7.0a-source to get into the truecrypt source code folder and then type make PREFIX=/usr (still as root) 8. Got the same error you did... so I checked nasm's version - it was the older one. Grudgingly downloaded http://mirror.slitaz.org/packages/cooking/nasm-2.08.01.tazpkg and installed it with tazpkg install nasm-2.08.01.tazpkg 9. I went back to the truecrypt-7.0a-source folder and tried make PREFIX=/usr again and compiling worked this time - well past the one part... 10. Getting compile errors about wxWidgets... checked cooking packages and stable packages. It's both 2.8.10 - so I gave up after this step.
Anyway, as you can see, your issue was being caused by an older nasm copy - installing the cooking version fixed that, but now it's throwing wxWidgets errors I'm unsure about. Maybe somebody else has some clues on how to solve this one.
You can remove slitaz-toolchain, fuse-dev, gtk+-dev, wxWidgets-dev, nasm and xorg-libXxf86vm-dev after compiling yes. The rest will be needed again by TrueCrypt. I haven't figured out how compile it though. I'm getting wxWidgets errors now.
Hello people. I've been working this for the past several hours. I'm building a Linux from scratch system and so I'm being a stickler to building everything from source.
I just compiled Truecrypt7.0a with the wxGTK-2.8.10.tar.bz2 found at the link provided, and it was a breeze. Good luck, and I hope some of you who were trying to do this some months ago see this post.
To be honest, I know absolutely nothing about Slitaz. I only found this forum, and particularly this thread when I was searching the web for a solution to getting Truecrypt7 to compile.
Perhaps one of he other members here can help you. If not, you could learn how to compile programs in GNU/Linux. Also, if you are not hell-bent on installing everything from source, Truecrypt provides an executable binary at their site http://truecrypt.org which should work on just about any distro, so long as you have the dependencies installed and the correct kernel modules enabled. Again, perhaps others who know more about your distribution can help you get that squared away.