addgroup tux video
tazhw detect-pci
tazpkg get-install mesa-demos
nano /etc/udev/rules.d/50-udev-default.rules
Add whats in bold:
# graphics
KERNEL=="agpgart", MODE="0600", GROUP="video"
KERNEL=="pmu", GROUP="video"
KERNEL=="nvidia*|nvidiactl*", GROUP="video"
KERNEL=="card[0-9]*", NAME="dri/%k", GROUP="video"
SUBSYSTEM=="graphics", GROUP="video"
SUBSYSTEM=="drm", GROUP="video"
exit to tux - startx - it wants to install xorg again - just do it
to restart X just do strg+alt+backspace
to make /dev/dri belonging to tux, is not secure - normally it should work as user:root group:video but it does not
root@slitaz: nano /etc/udev/rules.d/50-udev-default.rules
instead of chown -R tux /dev/dri
# graphics
KERNEL=="agpgart", MODE="0600", GROUP="video"
KERNEL=="pmu", GROUP="video"
KERNEL=="nvidia*|nvidiactl*", GROUP="video"
KERNEL=="card[0-9]*", NAME="dri/%k", GROUP="video"
SUBSYSTEM=="graphics", GROUP="video"
SUBSYSTEM=="drm", GROUP="video"
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