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xorg (cooking 23.12)
  • kultexkultex December 2010
    tazx works much better than in 3.0, but there is still this bug with drm and the renderer - as mojo described in one thread I do not find, Slitaz uses always the renderer Rasterizer

    tux@slitaz:~$ glxinfo | grep render
    direct rendering: Yes
    OpenGL renderer string: Software Rasterizer
        GL_NV_conditional_render, GL_NV_depth_clamp, GL_NV_fragment_program,

    glxgears reports 260.000 FPS

    to change this, its necessary to change permission of /dev/dri to user:tux group:video - then the correct renderer is used

    tux@slitaz:~$ glxinfo | grep render
    direct rendering: Yes
    OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Intel(R) 965GM GEM 20100330 DEVELOPMENT x86/MMX/SSE2

    but glxgears is only:

    tux@slitaz:~$ glxgears
    Running synchronized to the vertical refresh.  The framerate should be
    approximately the same as the monitor refresh rate.
    299 frames in 5.0 seconds = 59.670 FPS
    300 frames in 5.0 seconds = 59.821 FPS

    now how it should be (the new 2011-alfa from fluxflux):

    monika@fluxflux: ~ $ glxinfo | grep render
    direct rendering: Yes
    OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Intel(R) 965GM GEM 20100328 2010Q1 x86/MMX/SSE2
    monika@fluxflux: ~ $ glxgears
    1985 frames in 5.0 seconds = 396.521 FPS
    2053 frames in 5.0 seconds = 410.139 FPS

  • Trixar_zaTrixar_za December 2010
    The problem is that mesa isn't rendering directly, but syncing to your vertical refresh rate. So maybe there is a way to force direct rendering instead of vsync? That should give you a similar FPS to what you'd get in gixgears on fluxflux.
  • mojomojo December 2010
    tux@slitaz:~$ glxinfo | grep render
    direct rendering: Yes
    OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Intel(R) 945GM GEM 20090418 2009Q1 x86/MMX/SSE2

    root@slitaz: xdriinfo
    Screen 0: i915

    As regular user

    nano  ~/.drirc

    Paste this xml and save:

     <device screen="0" driver="i915">
      <application name="all">
       <!-- Always synchronize with vertical refresh to  avoid tearing -->
       <option name="vblank_mode" value="0"/>

    tux@slitaz:~$ glxgears
    7492 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1498.203 FPS
    7499 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1499.799 FPS
    7498 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1499.577 FPS
    7478 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1495.498 FPS

  • kultexkultex December 2010
    @mojo and others with different grafic chips - perhaps you could test this with latest cooking, because I think its necessary, that xorg really works proper with 4.0 (I cannot test intel any longer -  it is the laptop of my sister  - I had to give it back) - I will test it with radeon tomorrow

    start the last cooking in textmode (slitaz screen=text) - as soon as you start Xorg with vesa, you will end up with a blank screen

    log in as tux, get root - then
    addgroup tux video
    tazhw detect-pci
    tazpkg get-install mesa-demos
    nano /etc/udev/rules.d/50-udev-default.rules

    Add whats in bold:

    # graphics
    KERNEL=="agpgart", MODE="0600", GROUP="video"
    KERNEL=="pmu", GROUP="video"
    KERNEL=="nvidia*|nvidiactl*", GROUP="video"
    KERNEL=="card[0-9]*", NAME="dri/%k", GROUP="video"
    SUBSYSTEM=="graphics", GROUP="video"
    SUBSYSTEM=="drm", GROUP="video"

    exit to tux - startx - it wants to install xorg again - just do it

    to restart X just do strg+alt+backspace

    to make /dev/dri belonging to tux, is not secure - normally it should work as user:root group:video but it does not
  • kultexkultex December 2010
    @ mojo - to use ~/.drirc I think you need the package driconf - does it work also without?its not packed in slitaz - which driconf package did you use or die you compile?

    the radeon with Rasterizer works fine - with the Mesa DRI R100it crashes - only black screen
  • mojomojo December 2010
    driconf is a gui editor for .drirc
    Not necessary for function but simple to install and increases config options.
    The only depends required not mentioned in README was python-dev
    cp driconf-0.9.1/driconf.desktop /usr/share/applications/  ->  menu/preferences/3D graphics
    Verify /usr/local/bin is in echo $PATH if not add to  /etc/profile PATH=
  • kultexkultex December 2010
    I could get another intel laptop for trying, but I did not manage to get better glxgears results (59.821 FPS) in cooking - with 3.0 I got 290.000 FPS - as supposed-  the older xorg versions dont get more with other distros.
    It would be nice, if somebody else could continue

    by the way - its necessary to do also

    root@slitaz: nano /etc/udev/rules.d/50-udev-default.rules

    Add whats in bold:

    # graphics
    KERNEL=="agpgart", MODE="0600", GROUP="video"
    KERNEL=="pmu", GROUP="video"
    KERNEL=="nvidia*|nvidiactl*", GROUP="video"
    KERNEL=="card[0-9]*", NAME="dri/%k", GROUP="video"
    SUBSYSTEM=="graphics", GROUP="video"
    SUBSYSTEM=="drm", GROUP="video"
    instead of       chown -R tux /dev/dri

    I have changed this in the previous post

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