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adobe flash
  • billyevabillyeva November 2010
    how do i install flash, i have downloaded it and when i try to install it, it ask which application to use to install, or enter it in command line, thanks in advance
  • laikalaika November 2010
    What worked for me is the command below. While connected to the internet, open an xterm, become root and type the following fter the prompt:

    tazpkg get-install get-flash-plugin && get-flash-plugin

    I wanted Flash for the Firefox browser, and the below command made Firefox see Flash:

    tazpkg get-install get-flash-plugin firefox --forced

  • amberhaleyamberhaley November 2010
    Hi Billyeva,

    I agree with laika, inputting the same command described on her comment worked for me as well. I just want to say that installing a plugin or a third party application can sometimes be a pain. Would you agree? Sometimes when you're in the zone developing a code you would need to install a certain plugin to run it, and when you've finished installing the missing pieces you suddenly loose your rhythm. It's pretty much inconvenient and I just hope future software developers find this comment and do something about it. It's a longshot but it's a definite possibility.

    Amber Haley

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