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Mobile Broadband via HUAWEI E1550 3G modem
  • AvinashAvinash September 2010
    hi everyone! I am complete newbie to linux
    i have installed Slitaz on my laptop (successfully) with help from this forum
    My laptop has only 256 MB ram and slitaz works really cool
    Only problem is that i use HUAWEI E1550 3G modem to acces net. I am unable to get it to work in slitaz
    I have tried installing the drivers i got with the modem but they gve some errors and dont work
    I would be grateful if anyone could help me install the drivers for Mobile broadband

  • mojomojo September 2010
    Install lsusb.tazpkg
    Look here:
    Upper right corner see-> Search: HUAWEI click Go button
    Many results of previous threads to look at.
  • Trixar_zaTrixar_za September 2010
    You might also find these useful:

    You can use usb_modeswitch to stop the 3G device from mounting itself, while you can use gnome-ppp for an easier way of setting up a dial up connection than wvdial.

    Gnome-ppp is dependend on wvdial and wvstreams (which wvdial is depedant on too) btw, so make sure you have both of them installed before using it. I'm using gnome-ppp myself. One thing though is that you need to be root to dial out, so it requires going to terminal and typing su, typing in your root password and then typing gnome-ppp for it to work. Alternatively you can install the lxshortcut package, then just go the shortcut in the menu, right click it, click Properties and changing Command to subox gnome-ppp.
  • AvinashAvinash September 2010
    tried the above thread and packages from jozee...
    successfully installed Jozee's tools (THANKS)
    but some how it seems the usb mode tool is not detecting my modem :(
    do i need to add any kernel options?
    i didnt understand it properly sorry and i dont know how to load modules
    if yes can someone pls elaborate
    Thanks to mojo and Trixar_za
  • Trixar_zaTrixar_za September 2010
    I was afraid of that. I have a similar issue with my modem (which is a EVDO modem). The problem is making modprobe's module see it. Most guides on the internet will tell you the long and complicated way to make your device detect. I'm going to tell you the short and easy way.

    First your going to need another package. You probably have the linux-dialup package installed now, so all you really need now is a package called usbutils. All this does is give you acces to the lsusb command.

    Ok once that's installed, type lsusb in your terminal, it should bring up something like:
    brenton@trixarian:~$ lsusb
    Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
    Bus 001 Device 002: ID 1d09:4000 TechFaith Wireless Technology Limited
    Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub

    What we're looking for is the ID of the device. Like you can see mine is 1d09:4000 - yours will be different.

    Ok, now type the following in your terminal:
    modprobe -v option
    echo "1d09 4000" > /sys/bus/usb-serial/drivers/option1/new_id

    Note the 1d09 4000 - you saw that my device ID for my modem was 1d09:4000, well, with the above you just type echo "your-id-here-without-the-colon" > /sys/bus/usb-serial/drivers/option1/new_id instead of mine. This tells the the computer to load the driver and use your device. If it works, then typing dmesg in terminal will show the following (or similar):
    brenton@trixarian:~$ dmesg
    option 1-1:1.0: GSM modem (1-port) converter detected
    usb 1-1: GSM modem (1-port) converter now attached to ttyUSB0
    option 1-1:1.1: GSM modem (1-port) converter detected
    usb 1-1: GSM modem (1-port) converter now attached to ttyUSB1

    Note how a 3G or EVDO modem takes up TWO virtual usb ports. This is normal.

    Now go to gnome-ppp (hopefully you did lxshortcut trick I talked about earlier and made sure gnome-ppp works with a subox) and use the following settings:
    Username: (leave blank)
    Password: (leave blank)
    As you see for the above, you can leave both blank, but SOME 3G providers give you details you must enter to use it. Check your country and provider on google to see what they might be.
    Click Remember Password box
    Phone Number: *99#

    Click Setup and change Device to /dev/ttyUSB0 and go to the Options tab and uncheck the Check Carrier line box. Click Close and Then try the connect button. If it worked, you should be able to go online, but sometimes it will fail. The reason being that it uses two ports, but only 1 of them will allow you to connect. For example, my mobile phone uses ttyUSB1 instead of ttyUSB0 - just other USB port if it doesn't work with the first one. You can check dmesg to see which ports it's using for your device.

    Ok, if this all worked, we now want to make sure this works a each boot without going through that all again, right? Ok, go to the SliTaz Start Menu--->System Tools--->Control Box--->Initialization and add option (with a space between it and other modules already there) to the Load modules box and click Change. Now it should load modprobe option at each boot. Ok, now to let our driver hack work too. Click the Add Local Commands button, it should bring up a weird text file called Add the following line to it:
    echo "1d09 4000" > /sys/bus/usb-serial/drivers/option1/new_id
    Obviously replacing the 1d09 4000 with your Device ID again. Click File--->Save and close it. Now the the device should detect at each boot.

    If the above didn't work, then can you please paste me what lsusb and dmesg prints after you unplugged and plugged the device.
  • hanmahanma October 2010
    you could try to pick a quality 3g usb modem from this reliable supplier :
  • ms3811ms3811 October 2010
    @Avinash, let us know if you were unable to get it working. I have a Reliance NetConnet 3G modem configured on my laptop with Slitaz and it works perfect (although I haven't used it in a while). I think mine's a HUAWEI 1260 or something, but I could possibly look up what I did on my laptop and try to walk you through. I still have the wvdial scripts, et al.

    If you already got it working, then congratulations and happy surfing!
  • AvinashAvinash November 2010
    @Trixar_za , thank you dude but i fail at this step
    echo "1d09 4000" > /sys/bus/usb-serial/drivers/option1/new_id
    i get an error that new_id doesnt exist or sort of
    I was damn frustrated and hence stopped tinkering with slitaz
    Recently i found a script at , the i386 - Full version one which worked great on ubuntu 9.04 version and no needed to install usbmodeswitch

    The same script doesnt work on SLITAZ... or maybe i dont know how to execute a script on slitaz :( . . pls help me make it work on Slitaz and i will kick out windows from my laptop forever.....

    Thanks a lot mate for your earlier help
  • AvinashAvinash November 2010
    @ms3811 , ya pls guide me i still couldnt make it
  • Trixar_zaTrixar_za November 2010
    @Avinash Yeah, it fails when modprobe's option module isn't loaded. The option modules comes with the linux-dialup package and bfore you can use echo "device ID numbers" > /sys/bus/usb-serial/drivers/option/new_id trick, you need to load it first with modprobe -v option

    Sorry if my explaination was a little confusing. I'm post via GPRS right now using the same trick with my motorola V360 - atleast until my EVDO connection is back up again...
  • AvinashAvinash November 2010
    Yeah, it fails when modprobe's option module isn't loaded. The option modules comes with the linux-dialup package and bfore you can use echo "device ID numbers" > /sys/bus/usb-serial/drivers/option/new_id trick, you need to load it first with modprobe -v option

    Thanks a lot it works.... typing this post from SLITAZ

  • erniaernia November 2010
    please, put SOLVED in the topic title, this will help others with your problem

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