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Live CD hangs when X starts
  • RyanRyan November 2010
    I am trying to run the Live CD of SliTaz 3.0 on an old laptop to see how it performs.
    I have run both the Xorg and Xvesa version and get the same problem:
    When the software begins to start X / Slim (just after you setup the language and keyboard layout) a mouse cursor appears on my screen against a black background and the system freezes.
    Ctrl+Alt+Backspace doesn't respond and nor does my PC's reset button.

    The Linux distro Puppy works on this machine.
    I'm still fairly new to Linux and have only had experience using Ubuntu Server Edition.
    Thanks for any replies.

    My System:
    Compaq Armada 1750
    - 300MHz Intel Pentium II
    - 128MB Ram
    - 4MB ATI Rage LT Pro AGP 2x

    Things I Have Tried:
    I boot into text mode and follow these instructions:
    I have tried what the guide says with a number of variations with no success.
    Each time I generate the new xorg.conf file, after installing the packages, I open it with nano to check it and find that it hasn't identified my card. I try launching slim anyway and it either says something like "cannot find screen" or it shows a mouse cursor and freezes up.

    Perhaps this ATI card is not supported by the "xorg-xf86-video-ati" package?
  • erniaernia November 2010
    you don't have enough memory to run the standard livecd, it needs 192 Mb, you should try a loram flavor:
  • RyanRyan November 2010
    Thanks, wish I'd known that sooner lol.

    Would I still require 192 MB of Ram if I booted the normal version of SliTaz from the hard-drive?
    Also what's different in the low ram version that allows it to run on just 80 MB?
    Is it missing some features?
  • erniaernia November 2010
    if you do an hd slitaz install you should not have problems, but you must do the install from a loram cd.
    in standard livecd mode the os runs entirely in ram so you must have at list 192 mb, loram flavour allow you to use slitaz in livecd mode with just 80 Mb of ram, but i don't know where it puts the stuff that is not loded in memory, search the forum and the site and you will have your answer, i think.
  • Trixar_zaTrixar_za November 2010
    Loram uses a little swap off the HDD instead of ram, whereas lowram uses a little swap off the HDD and runs largely (uncompressed) off the CD-rom, with read only access to many of the directories.

    More info on it can be found @

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