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Adobe Air on Slitaz - how?
  • JuspurJuspur September 2010
    .Howdy - I'm a newbie, happy with Slitaz, BUT:
    -I really need to be able to install Adobe AIR.
    When trying to install the AdobeAIRInstaller.bin, the installer returns with a message, stating that
    gnome-keyring or kwallet needs to be installed, before the Adobe AIR-thing.

    I've tried to install the AdobeAIRInstaller.exe with WINE without success.

    Any suggestions/workarounds? I deeply need it, 'cause Adobe AIR is the installer for WIMP, a great 's
    streaming service up here i scandinavia.

    I appreciate your efforts -and hope a solution is around the corner.

    Have a nice day :-)
  • JuspurJuspur September 2010
    Howdy again
    I've found the gnome-keyring at

    But how can I install it?

    Have a nice day ;-)
  • seawolfseawolf September 2010
    I'm not sure what kind of package you get from that link, binary or source, but it doesn't seem the official site! You may find it better to get the official stuff as there may be instructions.

    The GNOME packages are very heavy and depend on each other. To install the Keyring part, you will likely need to compile/install half of the whole GNOME desktop. In the "undigest" repo (stuff that someone has compiled once but isn't at all stable) there exists gnome-keyring along with some other parts of gonme-* packages; perhaps someone has built this successfully and can provide the packages, but even then they may not work. KWallet may or may not need the whole KDE desktop, we have QT in the repos for a start.

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