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installing others stuff
  • fanibanditfanibandit September 2010
    i got the slitaz cd for windows xp from a friend and he said you could get the password for the administrator account with it. i dont know if this is possible but if it is please tell me how. if you cant id love to know to know how to install java and flash player:)
  • seawolfseawolf September 2010
    Your friend is referring to Ophcrack, which is a program that cracks the password. It just happens that Ophcrack use SliTaz as a base or their LiveCD; they're two different projects. You'll be better off to get support for that program from their site and forums.

    For SliTaz, Flash has instructions on the documentation site:

    For Java, it's very similar. Just:

    I'm not sure if that getter installed by default so you may have to:
    tazpkg get-install get-java6-jre

    The default root password is simply root.


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