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  • MohammadMohammad August 2010
    Hi every one ,
    How can i install my favorite tar.gz file ( such as netcat , hping , firewalk ) with tazpkg ?
    is any way to convert tar.gz file to TAZPKG installer ?
    When i run 'tazpkg convert netcat.tar.gz' , i get error UNSUPPORTED FORMAT !!!
    Why TAZPKG do not have these important NETWORK tools ?
  • TotoetsasoeurTotoetsasoeur August 2010
    If you plan to use tar files, why don't you use tar command?
  • MohammadMohammad August 2010
    i extract my tar files with tar command and then use ./configure command but i get error of C compiler .
  • LexeiiLexeii August 2010
    Seems like you have tarball with sources. Sources needs to be compiled to executables before installing. I have no idea, how to compile sources in SliTaz. Check the wiki documentation about compilation and tazwok.
  • seawolfseawolf August 2010
    Do you have a tarball with built programs that you run (just programs, README copied from another distro/package) or source code (Contains configure, MakeFile and such)?

    If it is the latter, it will need compiling. Essentially, one needs to write a 'receipt' which contains the compilation and packaging instructions for that package. Each is different with regards to dependancies etc. and the way it should be handled. This process compiles the software, packages it up ready for you to install/share. More information on this can be found on the documentation site:

    SliTaz is a very young distribution compared to some, aimed I think at basic desktop usage rather than any specifics. I am at the moment remixing SLiTaz for a specialist purpose and have found that many specialist tools/libraries need to be compiled/packaged by me. Which specific utilities do you require? Have you tried searching the package database to see if each exists in a package? Use 'File' from the drop-down box and search for the binary (program) file name:

    You might have some luck converting an RPM or DEB package, but they may use different version or/of libraries or have some peculiarities which will cause the programs to fail. It seems from my experience that Debian DEBs is a good place to start but YMMV.

  • Trixar_zaTrixar_za August 2010
    First off, get the package called slitaz-toolchain - it installs most of the stuff you need to compile like the compiler and default dependancies requirements.

    Now I found the following method seems to work best for me:
    1. Read the INSTALL or README file - it should list the requirements you will need.
    2. Use tazpkg search to find the required packages - install the packages AND the -dev copy of them. Example: tazpkg get-install mesa needs tazpkg get-install mesa-dev if you want to compile with mesa (OpenGL) support.
    3. If the required package is not in the repository, then you have to to compile and install it yourself. Follow the same steps as you would to install any other package, then come back to this program
    4. untar the file, normally tar zxf file.tar.gz or tar xfj file.tar.bz2 for either format.
    5. Go into the untarred folder and type ./configure --prefix=/usr --manpath=/usr/share/man --disable-nls - if this is successful, it should run configure without any problems and generate the files you need to compile the program.
    6. Type make and wait for it to finish - if there is no errors, then move to the next step. If there is a error, then you might be missing a dependancy or have a option in ./configure that should be disabled.
    7. If the make was succesful, then su to root and type make install

    If the above steps are successful, then you've just succesfully installed the program from source. If not, then try following the above steps until it works. Some programs will however not compile - like for example xchat - because even though the dependacies are met, they might be too new for the program to use them.

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