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Create new keymap
  • zieglerziegler August 2010
    I really enjoy this linux distro, but there is one shortcomming...
    Saddly, byt my native language (Latvian) keyboard support is not included in it :(.

    I have found one kmap file, but it is not working, here is the content:
    // Latvian.kmap LGPL
    // input method information for jgim and yudit

    // alphabet
    "~ A = 0x0100",
    " ~ a = 0x0101 ",
    " ~ C = 0x010C ",
    " ~ c = 0x010D ",
    " _ D Z = 0x01F1 ",
    " _ D z = 0x01F2 ",
    " _ d z = 0x01F3 ",
    " ~ D Z = 0x01C4 ",
    " ~ D z = 0x01C5 ",
    " ~ d z = 0x01C6 ",
    " ~ E = 0x0112 ",
    " ~ e = 0x0113 ",
    " ~ G = 0x0122 ",
    " ~ g = 0x0123 ",
    " ~ I = 0x012A ",
    " ~ i = 0x012B ",
    " ~ K = 0x0136 ",
    " ~ k = 0x0137 ",
    " ~ L = 0x013B ",
    " ~ l = 0x013C ",
    " ~ N = 0x0145 ",
    " ~ n = 0x0146 ",
    " ~ S = 0x0160 ",
    " ~ s = 0x0161 ",
    " ~ U = 0x016A ",
    " ~ u = 0x016B ",
    " ~ Z = 0x017D ",
    " ~ z = 0x017E ",
    Are there any way to make it work?
    I have copied it in /usr/share/kmap directory
    changed the value in keymap.conf and in Xorg.conf
  • bellardbellard August 2010
    Try this script, the files console-data*/keymaps/i386/qwerty/lv-latin* should be easy to hack.

    And load the keyboard mapping:
    # loadkmap < /usr/share/kmap/lv-latin4.kmap
    # loadkmap < /usr/share/kmap/lv-latin7.kmap



    if [ ! -s $TARBALL ]; then
    wget $TARBALL
    tar xzf $(basename $TARBALL)
    [ -x /bin/loadkeys ] || tazpkg get-install kbd-base
    dumpkmap > current.kmap
    for i in $(find console-data* | grep lv-latin); do
    ls -l $i
    loadkeys $i && dumpkmap > $(basename $i)
    loadkmap < current.kmap

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