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Reduce the size of the file sytem in RAM
  • At work I'm using a frugal install, on top of WinXP.
    I have only one partition (NTFS), and I cannot change that.

    I've created a few files that I'm using as virtual hard drives (mounted with loop), to extend my file system.
    I'm using lots of packages an my rootfs grows and uses too much memory.

    How can I reduce the size of what is in RAM?
    I tried moving /usr to a virtual hard drive, but that crashed the boot process.

    I have /opt and my own home outside rootfs already.
  • bellardbellard May 2010
    You can try an hybrid install :
    1- create a 'small config' to run in ram
    2- create a 'full config' in a loop file on your hard disk
    3- link the 'full config' to the 'small config' (some 'tazpkg link ') and update /etc/init.d/ to mount the hard disk.


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