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Chrome not present after remaster
  • alan093alan093 April 2010
    Hi all, I'm using slitaz 3.0. After installing and testing OK Chrome on live cd y ran tazlito with writeiso but It doesn´t preserve its installation. I found that Chrome is installed under /opt and that folder doesn't exist in remastered version. Thanks for any help. Sorry for my English.

  • jozeejozee April 2010
    /opt is not in the default slitaz installation. So, I am guessing that tazlito and tazusb are skipping over that directory. I think that should be an easy fix.
  • erniaernia April 2010
    about tazusb you can include /opt in rootfs adding /opt to the find command at line 485.
    know nothing about tazlito, but if it calls tazusb to write rootfs it should work.
  • seawolfseawolf April 2010
    Doesn't the get-chrome script make a TazPkg? Couldn't that pkg get included in the distro-packages.list?

    Maybe add get-chrome to

    Or do I have the wrong end of the stick entirely?
  • claudineiclaudinei April 2010

    Every get-* script creates a tazpkg file and install it but that file is deleted installation, in order to save space.
    You can 'hack' the script file to avoid the tazpkg file deleting or you can copy all the contents to the tazlito rootfs folder (usually /home/slitaz/distro/addfiles/rootfs/). I mean, copy all the contents of /opt to that folder:

    # cp -a /opt /home/slitaz/distro/addfiles/rootfs/
  • alan093alan093 May 2010
    Hi all:

    I tried your suggestions:

    1)When cp the /opt directory to ...addfiles/rootgz/ and do writeiso it doesn't appear in the remastered version.

    2)I hacked the get-google-chrome script to obtain the .tzpkg file and generated the distro and no success.

    3)Following Ernia suggestion I found that in Tazlito script thers's a "find" command like in tazusb that make a list of directories and I included /opt but no success.

    Is it possible to change the install receipt in order to get chrome installed in a standard way??
    I'm triyng to do a simple remaster of slitaz wiht chrome.


  • alan093alan093 May 2010
    Hi, I want to say that follwing Ernia suggestion about adding /opt to tazusb script in line 485 solved this issue.

    The strange thing is that at boot, only work the gzip option not lzma, but that's another issue

    Thanks, Ale.

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