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Autologin problem
  • pauljurczakpauljurczak March 2010
    Hi, I have "autologin" option in syslinux.cfg file and I'm getting "failed to execute login command" message when desktop is loading. I have to login manually as a root (tux without password doesn't work). I created liveUSB out of slitaz-3.0.iso and added Qt packages. I had liveUSB with autologin working with previous version of SliTaz. I can post log files, if that helps.
    Thank you,

  • pauljurczakpauljurczak March 2010
    The liveUSB above was created with Tazusb. If I use UNetbootin to create liveUSB out of the same .iso file, autologin works fine and modified desktop color appears correctly!
  • pauljurczakpauljurczak March 2010
    OK, autologin fails when I add an application to Openbox autostart. I'm running liveUSB created out of slitaz-3.0.iso. I tried a few different applications with the same result. Here is the line I'm adding at the end of
    (sleep 3s && /usr/bin/xterm) &
  • erniaernia March 2010
    could it be related to this bug?
    slim execute the .xinitrc in you home directory to login, so if there is some problem with it then no login. did you have your home directory mounted somewhere when you ran tazusb? tazusb does not backup your home dir probably because your home would be in ram instead on the key, and this would be a problem in low memory systems. in my liveusb i don't have much files in home and i usually use pc with at least 1Gb of ram so i put home in intramfs, because i like boot computer and put my usbkey back in my pocket. you do it editing /usr/bin/tazusb and moving /home from the for cicle at line 487 to the find command at line 485.
  • pauljurczakpauljurczak March 2010
    It may have been related to directory structure. I was creating my liveUSB with UNetbootin, since I had some problems with GUI version of tazusb. Since then, I started using command line version of tazusb to create liveUSB, I changed FAT32 to ext3, and I don't have this problem any more. Thank you for responding to my message.

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