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Arch Pacman on Slitaz, please help me...
  • CyberbreeCyberbree March 2010

    i would like to install Archs Pacman on Slitaz. I read that it is possible in a previous thread.
    After trying, a lib called libfetch is missing. Can somebody tell me how to install libfetch? I am knew at Linux so a "noob" Howto would do it :-)
  • slicelslicel March 2010
    I usually search for keywords like libfetch in the tazpkg box gui (both in packages and in files if necessary) and install the search results.
  • CyberbreeCyberbree March 2010
    Thankx for the quick reply, but i didn't found libfetch with the package manager :-(

    And i downloaded a Source package from libfetch somewhere, but there is no ./configure in it. Hope i can get pacman somehow running because i really need some software that isn't included in slitaz.
  • erniaernia March 2010
    maybe you could tazpkg convert the arch's libfetch ?
    would it be wise to have two package manager in your system?
    would not it be better use tazpkg convert or tazarch?
  • CyberbreeCyberbree March 2010
    Archs libfetch (ending is tar.gz or so) is not recognized by the command tazpkg convert libfetch.tar.gz) Or do you know another package? How can i use tazarch? is it in the slitaz repos so i can install it with the packet manager? Oh jeez, im such a noob :-)

    I only need one good functional dvd ripper (not converter or encoder), just something simple like DVDShrink on Windows. It could be a commandline tool or with simple gui. I tried to install dvdbackup, did not work because it gives me the error that is not found (libdvdread is installed and libdvdcss also). The same with vobcopy. And nothing to shrink yet with this 2 :-)

    And i read that Arch Archives an Pacman are compatibel with slitaz.

    Where do i get tazarch, did not found it in the repos. And can it be used although some arch packages have many dependencies which will not be fullfilled just converting an arch archive.

    I really do appreciate your help, i really do!

  • jozeejozee March 2010
    Hi Cyberbree,

    Pacman is not available in repos. Maybe we will add it for 4.0 .

    For converting any Arch Binaries, you use tazpkg convert [path/to/file]. Try it.

    For converting Arch PKGBUILD for own compilation, you can download tazarch from Slitaz labs ( Tazarch, however, requires a good understanding of Slitaz receipt format and atleast a basic understanding of Arch PKGBUILD.

    For my DVD backup, I use Slitaz Burnbox. However, it doesn't support video DVD ripping yet. Handbrake cli for dvd video ripping, hopefully, would be on undigest soon.

    I may not be able to help you further as we are really busy with finishing rolling out Slitaz 3.0.
  • CyberbreeCyberbree March 2010
    Many thankx for your reply! I tried to convert the arch's libfetch. It worked so far. The missing libs (perl, openssl) are in the slitaz repos. I will try to get pacman working in this way. Slitaz is really great. I hope for some more packages in the repos in the future :-) (i now, there are much of them but a few programs for daily use are missing :-)

    Happy finishing Slitaz 3.0!

    Thankx again!
  • RuppRupp March 2010

    Pacman works great in slitaz. Just a few things you may need and some tips. Mirror list incase you don't have it. in /etc/ make a folder called pacman.d and make a file called mirrorlist . Copy the text from the link below and save it.

    next in /etc/ there is a file called pacman.conf . Go down to the IgnorePkg
    line and uncomment and make it look like this:
    IgnorePkg   = kernel26 pcre bash busybox

    That stuff will not download so it won't destroy your system. Some things may refuse to download because those packages are blocked but that is a good thing because downloading those you will no longer have a system to run lol. I'll show you how to avoid that below.

    Also as nice as it is to be able to install pkg.tar.gz into Slitaz, I would still convert the packages to tazpkg before installing. Arch doesn't recognize tazpkg's as being installed and vice versa. You can run into a conflict down the road. Trust me I have been there. I just take the extra minute or two and convert the packages. First thing you want to do is download the packages from pacman using this command:

     pacman -Sdw file
    file = what you want to download.
    That downloads it without dependencies and doesn't install it.

    I then created a symlink from pacman's cache
     ln -s /var/cache/pacman/pkg /home/tux/ 

    Easier to remember /home/tux/pkg/file then typing out the other line. I just used tux as an example if you have another name then use it. After converting believe it or not Slitaz has mostly all of the dependencies already and will download them like you noticed when installing libfetch. Pretty neat huh?

    If you haven't use pacman you can look to download something small like an audio player and it wants to install 80mb of dependencies. You don't have to do that either. Trust me installing it plus all the dependencies it suggests will lead to you borking your system. I have been there and done that believe me. Here is how to not have to deal with that:
    pacman -Si file
    will display the minimum dependencies of that file(app) you wish to download to work. You can then download them one by one but in most cases slitaz already has the deps.

    Good Luck,


    Before you do any of that you want to update your Arch package list that command is:
    pacman -Syu
  • CyberbreeCyberbree March 2010
    Thank you for your help, but i can't figure out how to install pacman correct. First i got an libfetch error while doing ./configure. After downloading the libfetch lib from the arch repos, converting it into a taz package and installing it i get a few more errors when doing ./configure.
    I did it make and make install although haven the errors. After that no command "pacman" found....

    Is it possible to give me help on this?

    Thank you very much in advance!
  • CyberbreeCyberbree March 2010
    Hey Rupp,

    thank you very much for the instruction, it worked pretty fine. But one problem is still left: i tried to install the package ogmrip. I downloaded and converted it, no problem. All dependencies were fulfilled. But i get the Error:
    "error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" Any idea on this?

    Thank you a lot! And thank you all guys! Very nice community here!
  • CyberbreeCyberbree March 2010
    Forget the last post. I downloaded the new version of libdvdread from arch archives. Working! Finally!
  • RuppRupp March 2010
    Awesome isn't it? If you find any pointers or tips to make it work better with slitaz let us all know.

  • RuppRupp April 2010

    Arch changed to a new compression format. So converting packages won't work for much longer unless they change tazpkg. Just thought I would give you a heads up.

  • jozeejozee April 2010
    @Rupp: Arch is changing to SliTaz like xz format. So, it's a small change required in tazpkg. Thanks for giving us a headstart.
  • RuppRupp April 2010
    that is great to hear. Thanks for responding so soon. It is gonna be a gradual change I guess from what I read. So if you guys make the change keep the pkg.tar.gz around for a bit.


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