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"Switched to NOHz mode on CPU #0" then crashes
  • darkaudaxdarkaudax March 2010
    I have the cooking version installed on my Acer AAO netbook hard drive. On March 13/2010 I upgraded all packages and the kernel to the very latest versions available. The kernel was recompiled and everything works fine. The system boots perfectly without a problem.

    Subsequently I used tazlito gen-distro to build an ISO. In turn, this ISO is combined with unetbootin to create a bootable USB. I have done this many, many times in the past to create the Slitaz Aircrack-ng distro. The problem is after the last update, the ISO boot always says "Switched to NOHz mode on CPU #0" then crashes. Because it is a kernel panic and the screen is small, I can't see the real error codes.

    I tried a variety of variations such as my kernel, the Slitaz kernel, etc. Also kernel options such as noapic noacpi apic=off acpi=off. All fail.

    It is odd since the same kernel boots from the hard drive just fine. You would also expect it to work from unetbootin as well.

    Any ideas on the problem or how to troubleshoot this?

  • ShounakShounak March 2010
    I had the exact same thing... It turned out I had a bad rootfs.gz (removing usb without umount is one way to get this) or maybe the media is just plain bad? Look carefully for any error messages in the install log. tazusb on a slitaz distro or even win32 tazusb.exe (search web or try works better than unetbootin.
  • darkaudaxdarkaudax March 2010

    Your idea sounded promising so I tried a totally different USB key. Unfortunately I still get exactly the same problem. I doubt if both USB keys are bad.

    Thanks for the input.

  • darkaudaxdarkaudax March 2010
    Ok, I have given up and reinstalled Slitaz from scratch. I can now again create ISOs that boot.

  • darkaudaxdarkaudax March 2010
    Well, that good news did not last long. After upgrading to the latest packages and adding few new packages such as linux-source, slitaz toolchain, etc, it kernel panics in the same place. So it is still impossible to build another ISO which does not cause a kernel panic. The hard drive installation continues to boot without problems.

  • RobertugoRobertugo March 2010
    Hello, may be you have to downgrade from to and then try what happen, best regards...
  • darkaudaxdarkaudax March 2010

    I was using for an extended period of time successfully. It is only a fairly recent set of changes which has seems to have broken the building ISO function. It would be a material amount of work to revert to 30.4 at this point.


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