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Mono - Vala - Génie - Qt or better Python or Perl - one under the C's?
  • ouioui October 2009
    hi oui,
    i just read about genie/vala a few days back and found out that the puppylinux guys have already started using genie , no particular programs are puppy browser and pictureviewer available in /usr/local/bin ( just checked it out in qemulator today).
    i really want to learn genie as gui programming seemingly becomes very easy. if you are interested barry kauler has already started some tutorials here , i know only a little bash/ash scripting, but i think genie/vala could be of use to add a lot tools in slitaz.
  • ouioui October 2009

    Are you using above tools or try it? Your opinion and remarks about it?

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