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Tazlito Write-Iso Failing?
  • DroneDrone December 2010

    I downloaded SliTaz 3.0 Stable and burned it to a CD, it boots fine on my IBM T-30 laptop (1GB SDRAM). I added some small files in /home/tux and generated a new .iso and burnt a new CDDROM with Tazlitobox > Write-Iso. Everything works just as advertised.

    Then I took the original 3.0 Stable CD (not the new modified one) and rebooted. Then I added Firefox, Flash, and the Java RTE packages using the Package Manager; all work fine. When I tried to generate a new .iso and write a new CD, when everything is done compressing (using gzip in all cases), Tazlito prompts me with this:

    " Unable to mount the cdrom to copy the kernel and needed files. when Slitaz is running in ram the kernel and bootlaoder files are kept on the cdrom. Please insert a LiveCD or unmount the current cdrom to let Tazlito Handle the media

    enter to continue..."

    I hit enter the terminal window closes and nothing happens. it looks like part of a root filesystem results in /home/slitaz/distro/rootfs, but there's no .iso to be found anywhere.

    I searched the Forum and found only this thread related to this issue:

    But I'm not seeing an explanation about why I don't have this problem until I install a bunch of packages.

    Ideas anyone?

    Regards, David
  • mojomojo December 2010
    This could be a problem.
    /usr/bin/tazlito: fails to mount if your cdrom drive is not /dev/cdrom

    # Now we need the kernel and isolinux files.
    Line 1966-> if mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom 2>/dev/null; then
    cp /media/cdrom/boot/bzImage $ROOTCD/boot
    cp -a /media/cdrom/boot/isolinux $ROOTCD/boot
    umount /media/cdrom
    echo -e "
    Unable to mount the cdrom to copy the Kernel and needed files. When SliTaz
    is running in RAM the kernel and bootloader files are kept on the cdrom.
    Please insert a LiveCD or unmount the current cdrom to let Tazlito handle
    the media.\n"

    Open xterm
    Determine your cdrom device name.
    root@slitaz: wodim -inq

    Clear the mount point:
    root@slitaz: umount /media/cdrom

    Mount the cdrom drive:
    root@slitaz: mount -t iso9660 /dev/from.wodim -inq   /media/cdrom

    Verify it's mounted by listing files on cdrom:
    root@slitaz: ls /media/cdrom

    Run tazlito writeiso:
    root@slitaz: tazlito writeiso

  • DroneDrone December 2010
    Hi Mojo, Thanks for taking the time to reply. Sorry I'm late getting back, was traveling the past couple of days...

    Well, things aren't looking very good. SliTaz boots just fine from the CD, (I even made a brand new copy), but it seems the CD drive gets hosed-up after SliTaz is finished booting. See results below:

    root@slitaz:~# wodim -inq
    Device was not specified. Trying to find an appropriate drive...
    Detected CD-R drive: /dev/cdrw
    Using /dev/cdrom of unknown capabilities
    wodim: Cannot do inquiry for CD/DVD-Recorder.
    Errno: 5 (Input/output error), test unit ready scsi sendcmd: fatal error
    CDB: 00 E0 00 00 00 00
    cmd finished after 0.000s timeout 40s

    root@slitaz:~# umount /media/cdrom
    umount: can't umount /media/cdrom: Invalid argument

    root@slitaz:~# mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom
    mount: mounting /dev/cdrom on /media/cdrom failed: No such device or address

    root@slitaz:~# mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrw /media/cdrom
    mount: mounting /dev/cdrw on /media/cdrom failed: No such device or address

    root@slitaz:~# ls /media/cdrom

    As expected there's nothing returned from ls. The problem with Tazlito persists. Any other ideas? I'm stumped.

    Regards, David
  • DroneDrone December 2010
    Update: I tried using Tazlito write-iso on a different machine, an Atom desktop with 2GB of SDRAM. It works fine on SliTaz with Firefox, Flash, Java RTE etc. It consistently fails on the IBM T-30 laptop as the CD drive is apparently hosed right after SliTaz boots (as found in the previous post).

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