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SliTaz fails to boot due to kernel panic.
  • danntordanntor January 2010
    Just installed SliTaz Cooking on a Acer Aspire One ZG5 AOA 150(installation went fine apart from the bit where I had to mount the cooking iso on /media/cdrom). Every time I boot the laptop it always has a kernel panic.

    Can't post the full details here but basically it looks like it can't open an initial console (Warning: unable to open an initial console) and it goes down hill from there (segfaults, fails to sync, attempts to kill init and then something about "Not tainted"). I have tried everything trying to get this thing to boot and I have a feelin it is a very easy solution so please help me out. Thanks for reading
  • nsawnsaw January 2010
    I think it can't detect your drive. When you use the live cd, is there any problem? when is not, then you should be able to boot from the drive. Maybe you should try to install it manually, look for it at handbook.
  • danntordanntor January 2010
    Works now but just barely. Missing hald and alot of other stuff that prevents it from going into slim (slim being one of those things that are missing). At least it boots now.

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