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[SOLVED] Problem after installing Slitaz on a TI Extensa... need help!
  • HAL9000HAL9000 December 2009
    Hello !

    I've just installed the "slitaz-loram-cdrom-sqfs.iso" on my TI extensa laptop (166 Mhz, 48 Mo RAM).
    The /boot/grub folder exists, with a menu.lst file.

    But when the computer starts, nothing happens... even the GRUB menu isn't displayed.

    Any idea to solve this ?

    Thanks for help -and for this wonderful distro- !
  • AtleAtle December 2009
    If present, floppy diskette?
  • AtleAtle December 2009
    Some laptops from around that time had the bios on the harddrive, and if you deleted that, you simply could not boot from the hd.
  • HAL9000HAL9000 January 2010
    Thanks for your answer.

    I just re-formatted harddrive, installed Slitaz again, and it works fine :-), with a swap partition

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