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Slitaz Video Player Problem
  • turnipturnip December 2009
    I installed slitaz and VLC and any codec packs I can find. I go to the internet, open an email with a wmv file, and try to play it using VLC. The thing doesnt work so I try Gxine, Mplayer, and FFplayer. FF player is the only one that will play it but it has a crappy interface, and the other 2 dont even open it, and VLC apparently doesnt have the codecs for it. So either how do I get the codecs for a wmv file, or how do I get gxine or mplayer to open up? Thanks.
  • turnipturnip December 2009
    Oh, I tried the non-cooking build. Mplayer doesnt actually show any video though, just sound.
  • babaorumbabaorum December 2009
    Hi, you may try to make mplayer redirect output to x11 rather than xv.

    First try this on command-line:
    $ mplayer -vo x11 video-file-to-play

    -- Babaorum
  • babaorumbabaorum December 2009
    [EDIT: double post]
  • turnipturnip December 2009
    mplayer: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
  • turnipturnip December 2009
    Thats the error it gives me when I do that command.
  • seawolfseawolf December 2009
    Search the package repositories by either typing:

    tazpkg search-file

    Or by typing in to the online interface at:

    to search for that file in the Cooking repos: it tells you that the libenca package needs to be installed.
  • seawolfseawolf December 2009
    You may need the -dev package, too, btw. The dev packages provide functionality for building up on that software rasther than using it directly.
  • turnipturnip December 2009
    Theres a libenchant but no enca. it says libenchant and all its similar files are in /usr/lib/
  • jozeejozee December 2009
    @turnip: I moved enca to optional dependency (SUGGESTED), sometime back May be its my mistake. I will check. For now, Install "enca" and "faac". Can also click on "SUGGESTED" in tazpkgbox.

    EDIT: Also, I would suggest you install SMplayer or gnome-mplayer/gecko-mediaplayer (mplayer-firefox plugin) with libgpod. Your problems should be resolved.

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