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Bug in stable iso md5sum file
  • GawronGawron December 2010
    The md5sum of whole slitaz-3.0.iso is correct
    1f3c28d6818bf754c47f7b5fae7a74cf slitaz-3.0.iso, but when we burn the iso, or mount in loop the image
    mount -t iso9660 -o loop slitaz-3.0.iso /media/crom/
    and check he image with
    md5sum -c md5sum
    boot/isolinux/isolinux.bin has different checksum error.
    It may be confusing especially for beginners or security oriented users. The same is on other 3.0 isos. My big reqest to all maintainers, that have access to .iso files. Please correct this issue.
    Sorry for my English.

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